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Missions Mod v1.0


Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 2803 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

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Sveiki, užvakar pagalvojau jog reiktu sukurti missions mod'ą pardavimui, bet kadangi jis jau yra daugelyje serverių nusprendžiau juo pasidalinti. Jis yra beta versijoje tad jei atsiras kokių nors bug'ų ( klaidų ) praneškite šioje temoje.



  • ms_team - ( 1 / 2 ) Kuri komanda gali imti objective 1 - T, 2 - CT. [ Numatytas: 2 ]
  • ms_time - Kiek laiko komanda turi paimti objective ( mažiausiai 30s ) [ Numatytas: 60 ]
Norint sukurti objective žaidime rašote komandą - "/objectives" į chat ir paspaudžiate "Stop Objective task" jog nenužudytų jūsų po tam tikro laiko, o toliau ir taip aišku.


Kaip įdėti papildomą/naują objective ?


#include <amxmodx>
#include <fun>
#include <missions> // Įtraukiate missions biblioteką //

const Float: ObjectiveTime  = 10.0          // Kiek laiko ims objective //
const Float: ObjectiveRange = 100.0         // Kokiu atstumu pradeda imti objective //
new const ObjectiveModel[ ] = "checkpoint2" // Modelio pavadinimas //
new const ObjectiveName[ ]  = "Flag"        // Objective pavadinimas //

public plugin_precache( ) {
        ms_create_objective( ObjectiveName, ObjectiveModel, false, ObjectiveRange, ObjectiveTime );
        // False - reiškia kad šis objective nėra tas kuris laimi round //
        // True  - reiškia kad šis objective laimi žaidimą //

// Ši funkcija ivyksta tada kai žaidėjas paima objective //
public ms_objective_taken( id ) {
        give_item( id, "weapon_hegrenade" );
        give_item( id, "weapon_smokegrenade" );
        give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
        give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" );
  • Laiminčius objective galima imti tik tada kai visi paprasti objective yra paimti arba yra tik laimintys round objective.
  • Jei nėra laiminčių round objective surinkus visus objective laimimas žaidimas.
  • Paėmus laimintį objective priešininkų komandą išžudoma.
Su mod'u pridedų du objective: Flag ir Radio. Taip pat video kaip viskas atrodo:

Strigimas žaidime yra dėl to jog kompas senas ir podbotai ryja daug pc resursų :)



1.0 - Išleidimas


Gero naudojimo :)

Redaguota , nario TBagT
  • Teigiamai 5
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Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Ačiū, reikes persidaryti gun xp modui :-) gal butu galima padaryt kad tie flagai kurie jau paimti nebesvytetu geltonai o pasidarytu pilki arba kokios nors kitos spalvos ? Manau butu geriau, lengviau suprasti kurie jau paimti o kurie dar ne, nes nevisi skaito ka chate raso :-D

Redaguota , nario AwP SnIpEr
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį


Ačiū, reikes persidaryti gun xp modui :-) gal butu galima padaryt kad tie flagai kurie jau paimti nebesvytetu geltonai o pasidarytu pilki arba kokios nors kitos spalvos ? Manau butu geriau, lengviau suprasti kurie jau paimti o kurie dar ne, nes nevisi skaito ka chate raso :-D

Atnaujinau, kad šviestu pilkai jeigu objective yra paimtas.


Tam žmogui kuris paimė:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <missions>
#include <gunxpmod>

const Float: ObjectiveTime  = 10.0
const Float: ObjectiveRange = 100.0
new const ObjectiveModel[ ] = "checkpoint2"
new const ObjectiveName[ ]  = "Flag"

new cvar_xp;

public plugin_precache( ) {
        ms_create_objective( ObjectiveName, ObjectiveModel, false, ObjectiveRange, ObjectiveTime );

        cvar_xp = register_cvar( "ms_xp", "100" );

public ms_objective_taken( id ) {
        set_user_xp( id, get_user_xp( id ) + get_pcvar_num( cvar_xp ) );

Visiems komandos nariams:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <missions>
#include <gunxpmod>

const Float: ObjectiveTime  = 10.0
const Float: ObjectiveRange = 100.0
new const ObjectiveModel[ ] = "checkpoint2"
new const ObjectiveName[ ]  = "Flag"

new cvar_xp;

public plugin_precache( ) {
        ms_create_objective( ObjectiveName, ObjectiveModel, false, ObjectiveRange, ObjectiveTime );

        cvar_xp = register_cvar( "ms_xp", "100" );

public ms_objective_taken( id ) {
        new ms_Players[ 32 ], ms_num = 0;
        switch( get_user_team( id ) ) {
                case 1: get_players( ms_Players, ms_num, "ae", "TERRORIST" );
                case 2: get_players( ms_Players, ms_num, "ae", "CT" );
        for( new index = 0; index < ms_num; index++ )
                set_user_xp( ms_Players[ index ], get_user_xp( ms_Players[ index ] ) + get_pcvar_num( cvar_xp ) );

Redaguota , nario TBagT
  • Teigiamai 1
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Tai jo daugiau nieks niekur daugiau ir nenaudos manau.


Radus bug'ą ( klaidą ) butinai parašykit :)

butinai gryzes pajunksiu paieskosim klaidu :-)

Compailinant erora meta, o serverio loguose

L 08/22/2016 - 20:46:07: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "missions.amxx", version "unknown")
L 08/22/2016 - 20:46:07: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ArrayPushArray")
L 08/22/2016 - 20:46:07: [AMXX]    [0] missions.sma::native_create_mission_objective (line 534)

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Gryžęs pažiurėsiu, o dėl log error parodyk savo failą jis yra amxmodx/scripting/include/

// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet:
// AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO").
// Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team.
// This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher.
// Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit:

#if defined _cellarray_included

#define _cellarray_included

 * Cellarray tag declaration
 * @note These dynamic arrays are intended to be used for a form of global
 *       storage without requiring a #define that needs to be increased each
 *       time the plugin author requires more storage. These are not designed
 *       to be a full replacement for normal arrays, as those are faster and
 *       should be used whenever possible.
 * @note Plugins are responsible for freeing all Array handles they acquire,
 *       including those from ArrayClone. Failing to free handles will result
 *       in the plugin and AMXX leaking memory.
enum Array
	Invalid_Array = 0

 * Returns the number of cells required to fit a string of the specified size
 * (including the null terminator).
 * @param size          Number of bytes.
 * @return              Minimum number of cells required to fit the byte count.
stock ByteCountToCells(size)
	if (!size)
		return 1;

	return (size + 3) / 4;

 * Creates a handle to a dynamically sized array.
 * @note It is very important that the provided cellsize matches up with the
 *       buffer sizes that are passed with subsequent Array[Get|Set|Push] calls.
 * @note Initially the "reserved" parameter was intended to create blank entries
 *       that would immediately be usable with Array[Get|Set] functions. This
 *       functionality was never working as intended, and can now be achieved
 *       using ArrayResize().
 * @param cellsize      Size of each array entry in cells
 * @param reserved      Pre-allocates space in the array for the specified
 *                      number of items. The items are not valid to read or set
 *                      until they have actually been pushed into the array.
 * @return              New array handle, which must be freed via ArrayDestroy()
 * @error               If an invalid cellsize is provided an error will be
 * 	                    thrown.
native Array:ArrayCreate(cellsize = 1, reserved = 32);

 * Clones an array, returning a new handle with the same size and data.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @return              Handle to the cloned array on success, 0 otherwise
 * @error               If an invalid handle is provided an error will be
 *                      thrown.
native Array:ArrayClone(Array:which);

 * Clears all entries from the array.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @noreturn
 * @error               Invalid handle
native ArrayClear(Array:which);

 * Returns the number of elements in the array.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @return              Number of elements in the array
 * @error               If an invalid handle is provided an error will be
 *                      thrown.
native ArraySize(Array:which);

 * Resizes an array.
 * @note If the size is smaller than the current array size the array is
 *       truncated and data lost.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param newsize       New size
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle is provided or the resizing
 *                      operation runs out of memory, an error will be thrown.
native bool:ArrayResize(Array:which, newsize);

 * Retrieves an array of data from a cellarray.
 * @note If the size parameter is specified as -1 the output buffer has to match
 *       the size the array was created with.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param output        Buffer to copy value to
 * @param size          If not set, assumes the buffer size is equal to the
 *                      cellsize. Otherwise, the specified size is used.
 * @return              Number of cells copied
 * @error               If an invalid handle or index is provided an error will
 *                      be thrown.
native ArrayGetArray(Array:which, item, any:output[], size = -1);

 * Returns a single cell of data from an array
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param block         If the array has a cellsize >1 this optionally specifies
 *                      which block to read from
 * @param asChar        If true reads the value as a byte instead of a cell
 * @return              Integer value
 * @error               If an invalid handle, index or block is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native any:ArrayGetCell(Array:which, item, block = 0, bool:asChar = false);

 * Returieves string data from an array.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param output        Buffer to copy value to
 * @param size          Maximum size of the buffer
 * @return              Number of characters copied
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayGetString(Array:which, item, output[], size);

 * Fills an item's data with the contents of an array.
 * @note If the size parameter is specified as -1 the input buffer has to match
 *       the size the array was created with.
 * @note The item index must already be valid. Use ArrayPushArray to create
 *       a new array item in the cellarray.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         Array to copy to the cellarray
 * @param size          If not set, assumes the buffer size is equal to the
 *                      cellsize. Otherwise, the specified size is used.
 * @return              Number of cells copied
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArraySetArray(Array:which, item, const any:input[], size =-1);

 * Sets an item's data to a single cell value.
 * @note The item index must already be valid. Use ArrayPushArray to create
 *       a new array item in the cellarray.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         Value to set
 * @param block         If the array has a cellsize >1 this optionally specifies
 *                      which block to write to
 * @param asChar        If true writes the value as a byte instead of a cell
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle, index or block is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArraySetCell(Array:which, item, any:input, block = 0, bool:asChar = false);

 * Sets an item's data to a string value.
 * @note The input will be truncated if it is longer than the cellsize the array
 *       was created with.
 * @note The item index must already be valid. Use ArrayPushString to create
 *       a new array item in the cellarray.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         String to copy to the array
 * @return              Number of characters copied
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArraySetString(Array:which, item, const input[]);

 * Creates a new item at the end of the cellarray and copies the provided array
 * into it.
 * @note The input will be truncated if it is bigger than the cellsize the array
 *       was created with.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param input         Array to copy to the cellarray
 * @param size          If not set, assumes the buffer size is equal to the
 *                      cellsize. Otherwise, the specified size is used.
 * @return              Index of the new entry
 * @error               If an invalid handle is provided or the resizing
 *                      operation runs out of memory, an error will be thrown.
native ArrayPushArray(Array:which, const any:input[], size = -1);

 * Creates a new item ath the end of the array and sets the item's single cell
 * value.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param input         Value to set
 * @return              Index of the new entry
 * @error               If an invalid handle is provided or the resizing
 *                      operation runs out of memory, an error will be thrown.
native ArrayPushCell(Array:which, any:input);

 * Creates a new item at the end of the array and copies the provided string
 * into it.
 * @note The input will be truncated if it is longer than the cellsize the array
 *       was created with.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param input         String to copy to the array
 * @return              Index of the new entry
 * @error               If an invalid handle is provided or the resizing
 *                      operation runs out of memory, an error will be thrown.
native ArrayPushString(Array:which, const input[]);

 * Creates a new item behind the specified item and copies the provided array
 * into it. All items beyond it get shifted up by one.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         Array to copy to the cellarray
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayInsertArrayAfter(Array:which, item, const any:input[]);

 * Creates a new item behind the specified item and sets the item's single cell
 * value. All items beyond it get shifted up by one.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         Value to set
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayInsertCellAfter(Array:which, item, any:input);

 * Creates a new item behind the specified item and copies the provided string
 * into it. All items beyond it get shifted up by one.
 * @note The input will be truncated if it is longer than the cellsize the array
 *       was created with.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         String to copy to the array
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayInsertStringAfter(Array:which, item, const input[]);

 * Creates a new item in front of the specified item and copies the provided
 * array into it. All items beyond it get shifted up by one.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         Array to copy to the cellarray
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayInsertArrayBefore(Array:which, item, const any:input[]);

 * Creates a new item in front of the specified item and sets the item's single
 * cell value. All items beyond it get shifted up by one.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         Value to set
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayInsertCellBefore(Array:which, item, const any:input);

 * Creates a new item in front of the specified item and copies the provided
 * string into it. All items beyond it get shifted up by one.
 * @note The input will be truncated if it is longer than the cellsize the array
 *       was created with.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item index in the array
 * @param input         String to copy to the array
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayInsertStringBefore(Array:which, item, const input[]);

 * Swaps the position of two items.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item1,item2   Item pair to swap
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArraySwap(Array:which, item1, item2);

 * Deletes an item from the array. All items beyond it get shifted down by one.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item to delete
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native ArrayDeleteItem(Array:which, item);

 * Searches through the array and returns the index of the first occurence of
 * the specified string.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          String to search for
 * @return              Array index on success, -1 if the string can't be found
 * @error               Invalid handle.
native ArrayFindString(Array:which, const item[]);

 * Searches through the array and returns the index of the first occurence of
 * the specified value.
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Value to search for
 * @return              Array index on success, -1 if the value can't be found
 * @error               If an invalid handle is provided an error will be
 *                      thrown.
native ArrayFindValue(Array:which, any:item);

 * Creates a special handle that can be passed to a string format routine for
 * printing as a string (with the %a format option).
 * @note It is recommended to pass the function as a parameter to the format
 *       routine directly. The array item must contain a null-terminated string!
 * @note Do not save or otherwise use the handles returned by this function.
 * @note Example usage:
 *       console_print(id, "%a", ArrayGetStringHandle(MessageArray, i));
 * @param which         Array handle
 * @param item          Item to retrieve handle of
 * @return              Handle to the item
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid index is provided an
 *                      error will be thrown.
native DoNotUse:ArrayGetStringHandle(Array:which, item);

 * Destroys the array and frees its memory.
 * @note The function automatically sets the variable passed to it to 0 to aid
 *       in preventing accidental usage after destroy.
 * @param which         Array to destroy
 * @return              1 if the Array was destroyed, 0 if nothing had to be
 *                      destroyed (invalid handle)
native ArrayDestroy(&Array:which);

 * Similar to's CustomSort, the sorting algorithm then uses the
 * custom comparison function to sort the data.
 * @note The function is called in the following manner:
 * public MySortFunc(Array:array, item1, item2, const data[], data_size)
 *   array           - Array handle in its current un-sorted state
 *   item1, item2    - Current item pair being compared
 *   data[]          - Extra data array passed to the sort func
 *   data_size       - Size of extra data
 * @note The comparison function should return:
 *         -1 if item1 should go before item2
 *          0 if item1 and item2 are equal
 *          1 if item1 should go after item2
 * @note All parameters after item2 are optional and do not need to be specified
 *       and used.
 * @note Unlike the version, the array passed to the callback is not
 *       in mid-sorted state.
 * @param array         Array handle
 * @param comparefunc   Callback function used for comparison
 * @param data          Extra data that is passed through to the callback
 * @param data_size     Size of extra data
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid callback is provided
 *                      an error will be thrown.
native ArraySort(Array:array, const comparefunc[], data[]="", data_size=0);

 * A faster version of ArraySort, the sorting algorithm then uses the custom
 * comparison function to sort the data.
 * @note The advantage of this function is that the data of the elements being
 *       compared is directly passed to the function, instead of the item
 *       indexes that are passed by ArraySort. This removes the need for calling
 *       ArrayGet[Cell|String|Array] every time before being able to compare the
 *       elements.
 * @note For Arrays with a cellsize of 1 (used for storing integers and floats),
 *       the function is called in the following manner:
 * public MySortFunc(Array:array, elem1, elem2, const data[], data_size)
 *   array           - Array handle in its current un-sorted state
 *   elem1, elem2    - Current element pair being compared
 *   data[]          - Extra data array passed to the sort func
 *   data_size       - Size of extra data
 * @note For Arrays with a cellsize larger than 1 (used for storing arrays and
 *       strings), the function is called in the following manner:
 * public MySortFunc(Array:array, elem1[], elem2[], const data[], data_size)
 *   array               - Array handle in its current un-sorted state
 *   elem1[], elem2[]    - Current element pair being compared
 *   data[]              - Extra data array passed to the sort func
 *   data_size           - Size of extra data
 * @note The comparison function should return:
 *         -1 if elem1 should go before elem2
 *          0 if elem1 and elem2 are equal
 *          1 if elem1 should go after elem2
 * @note All parameters after item2 are optional and do not need to be specified
 *       and used.
 * @note Unlike the version, the array passed to the callback is not
 *       in mid-sorted state.
 * @param array         Array handle
 * @param comparefunc   Callback function used for comparison
 * @param data          Extra data that is passed through to the callback
 * @param data_size     Size of extra data
 * @noreturn
 * @error               If an invalid handle or an invalid callback is provided
 *                      an error will be thrown.
native ArraySortEx(Array:array, const comparefunc[], data[]="", data_size=0);

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

atsisiunciau per nauja compailery dabar viskas jau gerai :D

liko tik sitas erroras loguose 





L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "mission_flag.amxx", version "unknown")

L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ms_create_objective")
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX]    [0] mission_flag.sma::plugin_precache (line 10)
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: Invalid array handle provided (0)
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "missions.amxx", version "unknown")
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ArrayPushArray")
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX]    [0] missions.sma::native_create_mission_objective (line 533)
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: Unhandled dynamic native error
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "mission_radio.amxx", version "unknown")
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "ms_create_objective")
L 08/22/2016 - 22:48:10: [AMXX]    [0] mission_radio.sma::plugin_precache (line 10)
Redaguota , nario AwP SnIpEr
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį


atsisiunciau per nauja compailery dabar viskas jau gerai :D

liko tik sitas erroras loguose 



Tavo klaida yra plugins.ini faile:

mission_flag.amxx debug
mission_radio.amxx debug
missions.amxx debug

missions.amxx visados turi but pirmas pvz:

missions.amxx debug <---
mission_flag.amxx debug
mission_radio.amxx debug

Pagrindinis pluginas turi but viršuje, jog native galėtu užregistruoti objectives.

Redaguota , nario TBagT
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį


Pagrindinis pluginas turi but viršuje, jog native galėtu užregistruoti objectives.

Pirma syki su tokia beda susiduriu :-D aciu pabandysiu

Supranti pagrindiniame plugine yra paleidžiama objective registracijos funkcija ir jei tu aukščiau įdėjai papildomus pluginus jie kreipiasi į funkciją kurios dar nėra.

  • Teigiamai 1
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 2803 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

Ši tema yra užrakinta.


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