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Server information: Abyssmu
Version: Season 14 Part I-II
Experience: 1000x (dynamic)
Master Experience: 100x
Drop Rate: 50%
Points Per Level: 5/6/7
Max stats: 32,767
Gens : 50 level
Create Guild :250 level
MU Helper: 1 level
Master level 400/300
Max level 400



Server features:
  Reconnect System

  Bot Buffers - Free buffs from NPC
 Master Skill Tree 
  OffTrade - Offline trading
  OffLevel - Offline attacking
  Official Mu Helper - Official WebZen AutoClicker
  Can get Free Coins for voting,grand resets.
 Bonus Happy Hour
  Socket systems, Harmony options
  Monster HP Bar
  In-game Cash Shop
  And More
  Chaos Card
  Battle Soccer
  Golden Invasion
  White Wizard Event
  Blood Castle
  Devil Square 
  Castle Siege (every week on Sundays)
  Chaos Castle  
  Kalima Event 
  Kanturu Event 
  Raklion Hatchery 
  Doppelganger Event 
  Imperial Guardian  
  Medusa Event
 Castle Siege
  Loren Deep 
  And More


Redaguota , nario abbys12
  • Parašė po 5 savaičių...

Hello dear players and guests of our server! We are launching the action "Most Active Players"Start 2/21/2020


In order to get prizes you need to hold out in the top 3 until the 25nd day (March) - 20:00 (Lithaunia time) +2GMT


D83CDFC6.pngThe first place "Ranking 1" will receive 1500 WCoin (C) in the game account.

D83CDFC6.pngThe first place "Ranking 2" will receive 1000 WCoin (C) in the game account.

D83CDFC6.pngThe first place "Ranking 3" will receive 500 WCoin (C) in the game account.


Exactly at 20:00 (GMT), a list of the top 3 players in this topic will be announced, and will be rewarded. Forum

Redaguota , nario abbys12
  • Parašė po 4 savaičių...

Sveiki kaip prase mane kai kurie lietuvos zaidejai atidaryt x 100 Atidarymas Bus   11 April 20:00 Europe,Vilnius Time (GMT +2) Yra dar x1000 tai bus panasus spot,drop  x shopas dar bus regulojamas, marketas pajungtas .Kaip virusas yra Lietuvoje tai mielai prasau serveri kuris yra su Season 14 

Redaguota , nario abbys12
  • Parašė po 2 savaičių...
2020-03-16 19:08, abbys12 parašė:

Sveiki kaip prase mane kai kurie lietuvos zaidejai atidaryt x 100 Atidarymas Bus   11 April 20:00 Europe,Vilnius Time (GMT +2) Yra dar x1000 tai bus panasus spot,drop  x shopas dar bus regulojamas, marketas pajungtas .Kaip virusas yra Lietuvoje tai mielai prasau serveri kuris yra su Season 14 

nebeleisk sito sudo smoke daryt servus tada leisk 


Dear friends! We are proud to inform you that three years ago the unprecedented project began its life, which immediately began to actively develop, bringing and realizing ever new ideas!

In honor of this momentous event, we open the anniversary  x100 server on April 12 at 20:00 Europe time. These are precisely the rates with which it all began for you and me. We will try to maintain the spirit of AbyssMu and introduce new ideas that we were afraid to introduce earlier.

During this time, a little-known server has become a popular, rapidly developing project with versatile rates (x100, x1000) and a platform (Season 14). Our team has done a lot of work on the 14 Season platform. Changed: some maps, skill engine, rank system of things, changed the characteristics of all bosses / monsters, character leveling system, achievement system, spawn mobs (invasion, bosses, etc.), item drop, server work with items ... the list is very great, but we don’t like to boast of a detailed description of the work done, everyone sees the difference between AbyssMu in 2018 and 2020.

 Why is it worth paying attention to our project?

 Completely redesigned balance of classes for rates 100x.
 Completely redesigned monsters for rates 100x.
 A unique assembly that has been worked on for more than 2 years.
 The best implementation of Mu Online Season 14.
 The complete absence of shadow donat.
 Opening the server on April 12 at 20:00 Europe time, what awaits you?

 Perfect start, without DDoS attacks, and delays.
 Registration for the siege opens on April 13 at 00:00 Europe time.
 The first siege will be held on April 19 at 20:00 Europe time.
 Rates and Season

 Exp 100x / Zen 50x / Drop 50x.
 Live Economy, Zen 50x Rates! All prices in the shop / X-Shop are indexed according to our rates.
 Premium Account Ratings: Exp 120x / 140x / 160x | Zen - 55x / 60x / 65x | Drop - 55x / 60x / 65x.
 Game type - PvP (Classic)
 Launch date: April 12 at 20:00 Europe time

We are happy to hear and discuss all your questions and suggestions regarding the 100x (PvP) concept and discuss with you in this section.

Not a small amount of advertising campaign guarantees maximum online!
Administration with vast experience will make your game as comfortable as possible!


Redaguota , nario abbys12
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