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Reik pagalbos su Texture studio samp map editoriumi

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Juokinga, kai taip naiviai galvoji, kad kažkas viską padės ant lėkštutės. Tas Texture Studio turi gan daug galimybių ir su vienu sakiniu tai niekas nieko nepaaiškins. 

Tikiuosi, kad angliškai bent kažkiek supranti (nes jei nesupranti, bus per sunku dirbt su Texture Studio, tad kadangi pats internete rasti negali, nukopijuosiu visas Texture Studio komandas.  Jokio čia sudėtingumo, viskas labai aišku su komandomis.




/loadmap - Load a map

/newmap - Create a new map

/importmap - Import CreateObject() or CreateDynamicObject() raw code

/export - Export a map to code


/cobject - Create an object

/dobject - Delete your selected object

/robject - Resets an objects text and materials

/osearch - Search for a object

/sel - Select a object id index

/csel - Use the mouse to select an object

/lsel - Graphical object selection

/flymode - Enter flymode

/ogoto - Goto your selected object (must be in flymode)

/pivot - Set a pivot position to rotate objects around

/togpivot - Turn on/off pivot rotation

/oprop - Object property editor


/editobject - Edit object mode

/ox - /oy - /oz - Standard movement commands

/rx - ry - /rz - Standard rotation commands

/dox - /doy - /doz - Delta move map

/drx - /dry - /drz - Rotate map around map center


/mtextures - Show a list of textures in a list

/ttextures - Show a list of textures in (Theme)

/stexture - Texture editor

/mtset - Set a material

/mtsetall - Set a material to ALL objects of the same modelid

/mtcolor - Sets a material color

/mtcolorall - Sets a material color to ALL objects of the same modelid

/copy - Copy object properties to buffer from currently selected object

/paste - Paste object properties from buffer to currently selected object

/clear - Clear object properties from buffer

/text - Open the object text editor

/sindex - Set text on a object will show material IDs

/rindex - Removes material indexes shown on an object

/loadtheme - Load a texture theme

/savetheme - Saves a texture theme

/deletetheme - Delete a texture theme

/tsearch - Find a texture by part of name


/setgroup - Sets a group id for a group objects

/selectgroup - Select a group of objects to edit

/gsel - Open up click select to add/remove objects from your group

/gadd - Add an object to your group useful for objects that cannot be clicked on

/grem - Remove a specific object from your group

/gclear - Clear your group selection

/gclone - Clone your group selection

/gdelete - Delete all objects in your group

/editgroup - Start editing a group

/gox - /goy - /goz - Stardard group movement commands

/gox - /goy - /goz - Stardard group rotation commands

/gaexport - Exports a group of objects to a attached object FS (Not yet completed)

/gprefab - Export a group of objects to a loadable prefab file

/prefabsetz - Set the load offset of a prefab file

/prefab <LoadName"> - Load a prefab file, /prefab will show all prefabs

Bind Editor:

/bindeditor - Open the bind editor you can enter a series of commands to execute

/runbind - Runs a bind

GTA Objects:

/gtaobjects - Shows 3D Text of all GTA objects the indexes can be used for deleting objects

/remobject - Remove a GTA object specify the index

/swapbuilding - Remove a GTA and swap with an editable object


/avmodcar - Mod a car it will teleport the vehicle to the correct mod garage if modable

/avsetspawn - Set the spawn position of a vehicle

/avnewcar - Create a new car

/avdeletecar - Delete an unwanted car

/avcarcolor - Set vehicle car color

/avpaint - Set a vehicles paintjob

/avattach - Attach currently selected object to currently selected vehicle

/avdetach - Detach currently selected object from vehicle

/avsel - Select a vehicle to edit

/avexport - Export a car to filterscript

/avexportall - Export all cars to filterscript

/avox - /avoy - /avoz - Standard vehicle object movement commands

/avrx - /avry - /avrz - Standard vehicle object rotation commands

/avmirror - Mirror an object attached to a vehicle

(Special note: using /editobject on an attached object will edit the object on the vehicle)


/echo - Will echo back any text sent this is useful for autohotkey so that you can create

displayed output for your keybinds

Key Combos:


Holding 'H' while clicking an object will copy properites to buffer

Holding 'Walk Key' while clicking an object will paste properties from buffer


Hold 'Walk Key' to set the group rotation pivot you can only do this once per edit


When in fly mode to open the GUI press 'Jump Key' otherwise it can be opened by pressing 'N' Key

Texture Viewer:

In Fly mode instead of pressing Y/H to scroll through textures hold enter/exit vehicle and press ANALOG Left ---- ANALOG Right

Pressing sprint will add textures to your theme in fly mode press sprint+aim to add textures to theme in walk mode

Walk key will apply the selected texture to your object

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Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 1949 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

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