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Vienas projektas gali turėti tik VIENĄ TEMĄ! Už daugiau nei vienos temos turėjimą tokios pačios bus taikoma 1.4. taisyklė. - Server future, new system BETA server and more...


Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 2006 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

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Hello MuOnline players, we've come to a decision that server is losing activity and doesn't have much entertainment so we're updating it from 0 since 5000 experience makes server only going for PVP and sitting in lorencia ring or stadium. We want a game to be a little bit different, so you won't get bored playing any second of it.

Here's what we want to do: Refresh database, creating new system that all players would have fun playing in our server and probably increasing our player database by making gameplay interesting and enjoyable.

About new system: We are removing old system where server is all about PVP and Credits, main goal is to make all in game events worth something, so instead of credits we're involving Rena, with Rena you'll be able to buy webshop items or level up points.

Where to get rena?: Almost EVERYWHERE, hunting monsters (leveling up), going to events like Blood Castle, Devil Square, Chaos Castle, CryWolf, Kanturu Event, killing bosses like Kundun, hunting Golden monsters that gives you Box of Kundun that drop exc items, jewels or Rena.

Lower Exp: we're changing exp ratio to lower since it's too easy to level up now, also leveling up won't be so boring since monsters are respawning very fast. From 10 seconds it will be changed to 3 seconds for monsters to respawn. Also Exp rate will be decided by players. YOU! So here's the vote poll you will decide what exp sever will have, voting will end untill one of the polls will reach 5 votes, or untill 2018/11/19 18:00


BETA server: Beta server will be launched in 2018/11/19 21:00

BETA players will get rewards when server is fully opened for finding bugs giving us great suggestions or reaching certain amount of Resets.

Our website:

Good Luck all! Hope you will come play with us!

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Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 2006 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

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