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New Assassin's Creed Game's Screenshot And Name Reportedly Leaked


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New details have emerged regarding the next entry in the Assassin's Creed series, which will reportedly be called Assassin's Creed: Origins.

That name was first reported by WWG and has since been corroborated by Eurogamer. The latter's sources also indicate the game is a prequel that will launch for PS4, Xbox One, and PC later this year.

The alleged leaked Assassin's Creed: Origins image

Separately, an off-screen image purporting to be a "first look" at Origins has been published on Reddit. Eurogamer's sources also indicate that the image is legitimate. It pictures a bow-wielding character on a boat, albeit one much smaller than what players controlled in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.

Early last year, Kotaku reported the the new game would take place in Egypt and was set for a fall 2017 under the name Assassin's Creed Empire (a name that has seemingly since been changed).

Not long after, Ubisoft confirmed it would not release a mainline Assassin's Creed game in 2016. It said this would allow it to leverage new technology and "give the brand a new dimension."

"Since the release of Assassin's Creed Unity, we've learned a lot based on your feedback," it stated at the time. "We've also updated our development processes and recommitted to making Assassin's Creed a premier open-world franchise. We're taking this year to evolve the game mechanics and to make sure we’re delivering on the promise of Assassin's Creed offering unique and memorable gameplay experiences that make history everyone's playground."

Unity was maligned for its bugs and technical issues when it launched in 2014. The subsequent game, Syndicate, underperformed at retail.


Redaguota , nario Tautedorus
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