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Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 4630 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

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Sveiki, as susikures per serveri per hldsupdatetool ir man neissisaugo rank. Nu cia beveik kievienas sako kad su amx.cfg beda, as manau, kad ne nes man sita taise jau daugelis ir niekas nieko negali padaryt. Gal beda yra data folderyje arba su PC kaskas. Kas man pades tam tikrai nepagailesiu +rep. Laukiu. :S

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Dalintis per kitą puslapį


// Default value: 1

csstats_rank 0

paskaityk ka as parases *Myliu*... Sakau amxx.cfg man jau pataisytas kaip reikia ir vistiek tas pats. As po rr serverio gaunu 0 Player serveryje. jaugu buvo apsilanke kokie ~50. Issisaugo tik tada kai pakeiciu mapa arba parasau consoleje: restart. man reikia, kad kai isjungiu serva. Vel pajungiu man butu tie visi player issisaugoje.

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Dalintis per kitą puslapį

0 esu yrases stai mano amxx pvz :

// AMX Mod X Configuracijos failas
echo Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File

// Default access for all non admin players (see users.ini for access details)
// Default value: "z"
amx_default_access "z"

// Name of setinfo which should store a password on a client (you should change this)
// Note: Always prefix the field with an underscore (aka: "_")
// (Example: setinfo _pw "password")
// Default value: "_pw"
amx_password_field "_pw"

// Mode of logging to a server
// 0 - disable logging, players won't be checked (and access won't be set)
// 1 - normal mode which obey flags set in accounts
// 2 - kick all players not on list
// Default value: 1
amx_mode 1

// Show admins activity
// 0 - disabled
// 1 - show without admin name
// 2 - show with name
// Default value: 2
amx_show_activity 2

// Frequency in seconds and text of scrolling message
// Default value: "Welcome to %hostname% -- This server is using AMX Mod X" 600
amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to %hostname%" 600

// Center typed colored messages (last parameter is a color in RRRGGGBBB format)
// Default values: "Welcome to %hostname%" "000255100"
amx_imessage "Welcome to %hostname%" "000255100"
// Frequency in seconds of colored messages
// Default value: 180
amx_freq_imessage 180

// Ban times for the main ban menu (amx_banmenu)
// Use 0 for permanent ban
// Default values: 0 5 10 15 30 45 60
amx_plmenu_bantimes 0 5 10 15 30 45 60

// Slap damage amounts for the main slap menu (amx_slapmenu)
// Slay is automaticall inserted as the first option
// Default values: 0 1 5
amx_plmenu_slapdmg 0 1 5

// Set in seconds how fast players can chat (chat-flood protection)
// Default value: 0.75
amx_flood_time 0.75

// Amount of slots to reserve.
// Default value: 0
amx_reservation 0

// If you set this to 1, you can hide slots on your server.
// If server "full" of public slots and slots hidden, you must manually connect with connect console command
// Default value: 0
amx_hideslots 0

// Displaying of time remaining
// a - display white text on bottom
// b - use voice
// c - don't add "remaining" (only in voice)
// d - don't add "hours/minutes/seconds" (only in voice)
// e - show/speak if current time is less than this set in parameter
// Default value: "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"
amx_time_display "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"

// Announce "say thetime" and "say timeleft" with voice, set to 0 to disable.
// Default value: 1
amx_time_voice 1

// Minimum delay in seconds between two voting sessions
// Default value: 10
amx_vote_delay 10

// How long voting session goes on
// Default value: 10
amx_vote_time 10

// Display who votes for what option, set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable.
// Default value: 1
amx_vote_answers 1

// Some ratios for voting success

// Default value: 0.40
amx_votekick_ratio 0.40

// Default value: 0.40
amx_voteban_ratio 0.40

// Default value: 0.40
amx_votemap_ratio 0.40

// Default value: 0.02
amx_vote_ratio 0.02

// Max. time to which map can be extended
// Default value: 90
amx_extendmap_max 90

// Step for each extending
// Default value: 15
amx_extendmap_step 15

// If you set this to 0, clients cannot chose their language, instead they use
// whatever language the server is configured to use.
// Default value: 1
amx_client_languages 1

// Plugin Debug mode
// 0 - No debugging (garbage line numbers)
// 1 - Plugins with "debug" option in plugins.ini are put into debug mode
// 2 - All plugins are put in debug mode
// Note - debug mode will affect JIT performance
// Default value: 1
amx_debug 1

// Plugin MultiLingual Debug
// To debug a language put its 2 letter code between quotes ("en", "de", etc)
// "" means disabled
// Default value: ""
amx_mldebug ""

// Beginning of Counter-Strike package specific configurations.

// Rank mode
// 0 - by nick
// 1 - by authid 
// 2 - by ip
// Default value: 1
csstats_rank 0

// Max size of the stats file
// Default value: 3500
csstats_maxsize 3500

// Whether or not to rank bots with csstats - set to 1 to rank bots, 0 otherwise.
// Default value: 0
csstats_rankbots 0

// Duration of HUD-statistics
// Default value: 12.0
amx_statsx_duration 12.0

// HUD-statistics display limit relative round freeze end
// Negative time will clear the HUD-statstics before the round freeze time has ended
// Default value: -2.0
amx_statsx_freeze -2.0

//Advanced Bans
//This is the website displayed to the banned player if you have an unban request section on your website.
//Leave blank to not show a website.
//Default: blank

ab_immunity <0|1|2>
//0 - Any admin can ban an immunity admin (flag 'a').
//1 - Immunity admins (flag 'a') cannot be banned.
//2 - Immunity admins (flag 'a') can only be banned by other immunity admins (flag 'a').
//Default: 1

//Delay of banned players being disconnected.
//Default: 1

//Interval of checking if a player is unbanned.
//Default: 5

kaskas su data papke man atrodo negerai :( Esu keites ja, bet nieko..

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Pabandyk pasikeisti į

// AMX Mod X Configuracijos failas

echo Executing AMX Mod X Configuration File

// Default access for all non admin players (see users.ini for access details)


// Default value: "z"

amx_default_access "z"

// Name of setinfo which should store a password on a client (you should change this)

// Note: Always prefix the field with an underscore (aka: "_")

// (Example: setinfo _pw "password")


// Default value: "_pw"

amx_password_field "_pw"

// Mode of logging to a server

// 0 - disable logging, players won't be checked (and access won't be set)

// 1 - normal mode which obey flags set in accounts

// 2 - kick all players not on list


// Default value: 1

amx_mode 1

// Show admins activity

// 0 - disabled

// 1 - show without admin name

// 2 - show with name


// Default value: 2

amx_show_activity 2

// Frequency in seconds and text of scrolling message


// Default value: "Welcome to %hostname% -- This server is using AMX Mod X" 600

amx_scrollmsg "Welcome to %hostname%" 600

// Center typed colored messages (last parameter is a color in RRRGGGBBB format)


// Default values: "Welcome to %hostname%" "000255100"

amx_imessage "Welcome to %hostname%" "000255100"

// Frequency in seconds of colored messages


// Default value: 180

amx_freq_imessage 180

// Ban times for the main ban menu (amx_banmenu)

// Use 0 for permanent ban

// Default values: 0 5 10 15 30 45 60

amx_plmenu_bantimes 0 5 10 15 30 45 60

// Slap damage amounts for the main slap menu (amx_slapmenu)

// Slay is automaticall inserted as the first option

// Default values: 0 1 5

amx_plmenu_slapdmg 0 1 5

// Set in seconds how fast players can chat (chat-flood protection)


// Default value: 0.75

amx_flood_time 0.75

// Amount of slots to reserve.


// Default value: 0

amx_reservation 0

// If you set this to 1, you can hide slots on your server.

// If server "full" of public slots and slots hidden, you must manually connect with connect console command


// Default value: 0

amx_hideslots 0

// Displaying of time remaining

// a - display white text on bottom

// b - use voice

// c - don't add "remaining" (only in voice)

// d - don't add "hours/minutes/seconds" (only in voice)

// e - show/speak if current time is less than this set in parameter


// Default value: "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"

amx_time_display "ab 1200" "ab 600" "ab 300" "ab 180" "ab 60" "bcde 11"

// Announce "say thetime" and "say timeleft" with voice, set to 0 to disable.


// Default value: 1

amx_time_voice 1

// Minimum delay in seconds between two voting sessions


// Default value: 10

amx_vote_delay 10

// How long voting session goes on


// Default value: 10

amx_vote_time 10

// Display who votes for what option, set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable.


// Default value: 1

amx_vote_answers 1

// Some ratios for voting success

// Default value: 0.40

amx_votekick_ratio 0.40

// Default value: 0.40

amx_voteban_ratio 0.40

// Default value: 0.40

amx_votemap_ratio 0.40

// Default value: 0.02

amx_vote_ratio 0.02

// Max. time to which map can be extended


// Default value: 90

amx_extendmap_max 90

// Step for each extending


// Default value: 15

amx_extendmap_step 15

// If you set this to 0, clients cannot chose their language, instead they use

// whatever language the server is configured to use.


// Default value: 1

amx_client_languages 1

// Plugin Debug mode

// 0 - No debugging (garbage line numbers)

// 1 - Plugins with "debug" option in plugins.ini are put into debug mode

// 2 - All plugins are put in debug mode

// Note - debug mode will affect JIT performance


// Default value: 1

amx_debug 1

// Plugin MultiLingual Debug

// To debug a language put its 2 letter code between quotes ("en", "de", etc)

// "" means disabled


// Default value: ""

amx_mldebug ""


// Beginning of Counter-Strike package specific configurations.


// Rank mode

// 0 - by nick

// 1 - by authid

// 2 - by ip


// Default value: 1

csstats_rank 2

// Max size of the stats file


// Default value: 3500

csstats_maxsize 3500

// Whether or not to rank bots with csstats - set to 1 to rank bots, 0 otherwise.


// Default value: 0

csstats_rankbots 0

// Duration of HUD-statistics


// Default value: 12.0

amx_statsx_duration 12.0

// HUD-statistics display limit relative round freeze end

// Negative time will clear the HUD-statstics before the round freeze time has ended


// Default value: -2.0

amx_statsx_freeze -2.0

//Advanced Bans


//This is the website displayed to the banned player if you have an unban request section on your website.

//Leave blank to not show a website.

//Default: blank

ab_immunity <0|1|2>

//0 - Any admin can ban an immunity admin (flag 'a').

//1 - Immunity admins (flag 'a') cannot be banned.

//2 - Immunity admins (flag 'a') can only be banned by other immunity admins (flag 'a').

//Default: 1


//Delay of banned players being disconnected.

//Default: 1


//Interval of checking if a player is unbanned.

//Default: 5

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Dalintis per kitą puslapį

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Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 4630 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

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