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[Pamoka] įdiegimas TvT event Equal

Guest Sn1Keris

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Šita pamoka skirta senesniem equal packams dėl tvt


1. Einame į server/game/config

2. Sukuriame folderi pavadinimu mods

3. Įeiname i Folderi mods sukuriame


4. Įrašyti šita ilga,ilga koda pasiredaguokit pagal save.

#---------------------Equal Events------------------------------
# All modifications can be enabled and disabled without effect -
# effecting the server, designed specifically to add non -
# retail types of gameplay into the L2J server. -

# Champion mobs -
# Turns random mobs into Champions -
# Enable Champions L2JMod
ChampionEnable = True
# Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) - 0 to disable
ChampionFrequency = 3
# Min and max lvl allowed for a mob to be champion.
ChampionMinLevel = 20
ChampionMaxLevel = 80
# Hp multiplier
ChampionHp = 8
# Hp Regen Multiplier
ChampionRegenHp = 1.
# Rewards multiplier
ChampionRewards = 8
# Adenas & seal stones rewards multiplier
ChampionAdenasRewards = 1
# Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patk & matk)
ChampionAtk = 1.
# Spd Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patkspd & matkspd)
ChampionSpdAtk = 1.
# Chance to obtain a specified reward item from a higher lvl champion (in percents) default is off using glittering medal as reward
ChampionRewardItem = 0
# Specified reward item ID
ChampionRewardItemID = 6393
# Specified reward item rnd qty
ChampionRewardItemQty = 1

# Wedding System -
# description by unical3:
# It's 2 parted.
# First part "engage" 
# 1) Target the player that you want to make a couple with 
# 2) Write in chatwindow .engage nameofyourpartner then enter
# 3) if player has you on friendlist popup will apppear with engage request
# ============ 
# ok cancel =
# ============
# and a systemsg that you wanna engage with him/her
# if not in your friendlist nothing will happen. (/friendinvite nameplayer)
# 4) if player accepts you are engaged. Congratulations!
# Second part "marriage" 
# 1) if you are engaged go to a Wedding Priest named Andromeda 
# in Hot Springs Guild House (Goddard) and ask for marriage 
# [ you need Formal Wear (C4Items) and it costs 11k ]
# 2) your partner goes to the npc and confirms after you make the request
# 3) fireworks,wedding marchs and your are married 
# You can use .gotolove nameofyourpartner to teleport to your partner if 
# you're married (costs 500 adena) 
# if you want to cancel your engagement / marriage enter .divorce nameofyourpartner
# if you're married you have to pay 20 % of adena to your partner 
# When you try to engage with someone and you have already a partner you get 
# a bighead + debuff 
# You find a priest NPC in Hot Springs Guild House (Goddard).
# Wedding Manager Id: //spawn 50007
#True Allows Wedding, False disables Wedding.
AllowWedding = False
#Cost of Wedding, set the price in Adena, remember not to exceed the max!
WeddingPrice = 250000000
#Would you like to punish the player for for disloyalty to their spouses? If you want them punished set to True, if you would like NO punishment then set to False
WeddingPunishInfidelity = True
#Have the players teleported for marriage? If so True, if not False
WeddingTeleport = True
#The Price for Teleport is configurable below in Adena
WeddingTeleportPrice = 50000
#Time before character is teleported can be set below (in seconds)
WeddingTeleportDuration = 60
#Homosexuality- Allowed = True, Not Allowed = False
WeddingAllowSameSex = False
#Require Players to wear formal wear, True is yes require formal wear, False is not require formal wear.
WeddingFormalWear = True
#Cost of Divorce, % of Adena
WeddingDivorceCosts = 20
# Wedding announce?
AnnounceWeddings = True

# Team vs.Team Event Engine -
# IF You Want To Set It Up Go In-Game And Simply Press //tvt
# enable TvTEvent
TvTEventEnabled = True
# Time Between TvT events (in minutes, 300 = 5 hours)
TvTEventInterval = 300
# Registration timer (in minutes) from start of event.
TvTEventParticipationTime = 30
# Event running time, in minutes
TvTEventRunningTime = 20
# TvT Event NPC Details (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc)
TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 70010
TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 83425,148585,-3406
# Minimum amount of players allowed in each team
TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 10
TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 40
# Level rules
TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 76
TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 80
# Teleport delay Timers (in seconds)
TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 10
TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10
# First Team Details (name, start and death x,y,z tp point)
TvTEventTeam1Name = Angels
TvTEventTeam1Coordinates = 148695,46725,-3414
# Second Team Details (name, start and death x,y,z tp point)
TvTEventTeam2Name = Devils
TvTEventTeam2Coordinates = 149999,46728,-3414
# Reward for winning team
# itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount;...
# no ";" at the start or end
TvTEventReward = 57,500000000;7579,1
# TvTEvent Rules
TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = True
TvTEventPotionsAllowed = False
TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = False
# Door id's to close/open on start/end
# ex.: 1;2;3;4;5;6
# no ";" at the start or end
TvTEventDoorsCloseOpenOnStartEnd =

# Capture The Flag Event Engine -
# IF You Want To Set It Up Go In-Game And Simply Press //ctf
# players there not participated in ctf can target ctf participants?
CTFAllowInterference = False
# ctf participants can use potions?
CTFAllowPotions = True
# ctf participants can summon by item?
CTFAllowSummon = False
# remove all effects of ctf participants on event start?
CTFOnStartRemoveAllEffects = True
# unsummon pet of ctf participants on event start?
CTFOnStartUnsummonPet = True

# Faction Good vs Evil -
# Enable faction Good vs Evil
# GvE Engine its a Faction engine called Good Vs Evil
# GvE cant work with the Fun engines TvT and Vip.
# When Gve Engine is Activated the server is not in normal mode and
# If you try somethink like use a normal faction Example (Duel between factions) offcourse will not work.
# Note : When you Enable this YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU DOING.
# True Enable GvE , False disables GvE.
EnableFaction = False
# Coordinates for newly created characters to spawn (where GvE npc is located and player can choose faction)
PrimarBaseX = 139990
PrimarBaseY = -124423
PrimarBaseZ = -1903
# Config if Good and Evil have Base. It's there where they respawn after : Restart - Use all type of Scroll of Escape - Respawn After Death ?
# Coordinates of good faction base
GoodBaseX = -84318
GoodBaseY = 244579
GoodBaseZ = -3730
# Coordinates of evil faction base
EvilBaseX = -44836
EvilBaseY = -112524
EvilBaseZ = -235
#Good Alternative Team Name.
NameTeamGood = Good
#Evil Alternative Team Name.
NameTeamEvil = Evil
#Name color for Good.
ColorNameGood = 00FF00
#Name color for Evil.
ColorNameEvil = FF0000
#Players will win automatic adena for pvp reward if they kill an enemy Faction.
PlayerGetAdenaByPvP = True
#How many adena get by PvP
AmmountAdenaGetByPvP = 1
# Active visual effect of SoulShots(only)? - Default = True
# Desactive visual effect can reduce lag on Mass PvP Server
ActiveAnimSS = True

# Low level char killing protection
# If enabled players can pvp only in the same grade
# 0-19,20-39,40-51,52-60,61-76,76-85
AllowLowLvlProtect = False


5. Darome rr arba tiesiog /reload ir perkraunam

*** Pamoka Baigta ***

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Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 5073 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

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