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[MINI SKRIPTAS]Ieimas su textdraw'o efektais.


Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 4019 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

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Paprastas gan skriptas ieinant užtamsės ekranas.

1.Susikuriame textdrawa šita koda dedate gamemodes/init.txt faila, o jai naudojata koki kita gm tai savo gamemod'e rasite gamemodeinit.

WholeScreen = TextDrawCreate( -20.000000, 0.000000, "_" );
TextDrawUseBox( WholeScreen, 1 );
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000FF );
TextDrawAlignment( WholeScreen, 0 );
TextDrawBackgroundColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000FF );
TextDrawFont( WholeScreen, 3 );
TextDrawLetterSize( WholeScreen, 1.000000, 52.200000 );
TextDrawColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000FF );

2.Prie visų kintamūju prirašome

Text: WholeScreen;[/center]

ScreenStatus [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = 0,
FadeTDTimer [ MAX_PLAYERS ] = -1;

3.Dabar prie savo ieimo pickup prirašome

ScreenStatus [ playerid ] = 1;
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, WholeScreen );
FadeTDTimer [ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "FadeTextdraw", 50, true, "i", playerid );

4.Savo gm gale irašome timeri.

forward FadeTextdraw( playerid );
public FadeTextdraw ( playerid )
switch( ScreenStatus [ playerid ] ) // This is faster than an 'if statement'
case 1:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000EE );
// EE is one of the Alpha Values of a HEX Color!
case 2:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000DD );
// DD is less visible than EE, but more visible than CC.
case 3:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000CC );
// CC is less visible than DD, but more visible than *Myliu*.
case 4:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000BB );
// *Myliu* is less visible than CC, but more visible than AA.
case 5:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x000000AA );
// AA is less visible than *Myliu*, but more visible than 99.
case 6:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000099 );
// 99 is less visible than AA, but more visible than 88.
case 7:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000088 );
// 88 is less visible than 99, but more visible than 77.
case 8:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000077 );
// 77 is less visible than 88, but more visible than 66.
case 9:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000066 );
// 66 is less viisble than 77, but more visible than 55.
case 10:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000055 );
// 55 is less visible than 66, but more visible than 44.
case 11:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000044 );
// 44 is less visible than 55, but more visible than 33.
case 12:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000033 );
// 33 is less visible than 44, but more visible than 22.
case 13:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000022 );
// 22 is less visible than 33, but more visible than 11.
case 14:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000011 );
// 11 is less visible than 22, and 00 is completely transparent.
case 15:
TextDrawBoxColor( WholeScreen, 0x00000000 );
// This makes the TextDraw completely transparent.
KillTimer( FadeTDTimer [ playerid ] );
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, WholeScreen );
ScreenStatus [ playerid ] = 0;
return true;
TextDrawHideForPlayer( playerid, WholeScreen );
TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, WholeScreen );
return ScreenStatus [ playerid ] ++;

Prašome jūsu ieimas unikalesnis nei buvo prieš tai, skriptas pats užtamsėjančio textdraw'o ne mano tik jį pritaikiau prie ieimu sistemos kas yra labai labai lengva.

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Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 4019 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

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