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[0.3e] Modifikacija - By: Aivaras_Smitas


Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 4021 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

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Esama /skirtidyriku komandą pakeisk į

if(!strcmp(cmdtext, "/skirtidyriku", true,13))
	if(playerDB[playerid][superadmin] != true){SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "* Tokios komandos nera!"); return 1;}
	new tname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
	strmid(tname,GetArgument(1, cmdtext, 0),0,MAX_PLAYER_NAME);
	if(!strcmp(tname,"0",true)){SendClientMessage(playerid, BLUE, "* Skirti dyriku: /skirtidyriku [dalis nicko] [iD]"); return 1;}
	new tid = GetPlayeridMid(tname);
		SendClientMessage(playerid,RED,"* Tokio zaidejo nera.");
		return 1;
	new tstring[256];
	tstring = GetArgument(2, cmdtext, 0);
	if(!IsNumeric(tstring)){SendClientMessage(playerid, BLUE, "* Skirti dyriku: /skirtidyriku [dalis nicko] [iD (turi but skaicius)]"); return 1;}
	new moneys = StringToInt(tstring);
	if(moneys == 0){SendClientMessage(playerid, BLUE, "* Nuemete jam dyrika"); SendClientMessage(tid, BLUE, "Prezidento isakymu jus nebe direktorius!"); playerDB[tid][plead]=0; SavePlayerData(tid, false); return 1;}
	new mess[256],name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],post[128];
	 if(moneys ==1) format(post, 128, "Policijos Nuovados");
		else if(moneys ==2) format(post, 128, "Lietuvos Centrines Ligonines");
		else if(moneys ==5) format(post, 128, "UAB TOLIMAS KELELIS");
		else if(moneys ==7) format(post, 128, "Baikeriu");
		else if(moneys ==11) format(post, 128, "Tuninginiu");
		else if(moneys ==19) format(post, 128, "Skelbeju");
           else if(moneys ==14) format(post, 128, "Motomanu");
           else if(moneys ==15) format(post, 128, "Samdomu Zudiku");
		else if(moneys ==13) format(post, 128, "Mechaniku");
		else if(moneys ==40) format(post, 128, "Armijos");
		else if(moneys ==44) format(post, 128, "Dylerio");
		else if(moneys ==48) format(post, 128, "Radijos FM");
		else if(moneys ==50) format(post, 128, "Apsaugos");
	    else if(moneys ==60) format(post, 128, "SWAT");
		else if(moneys ==59) format(post, 128, "F.T.B. Nario");
           else format(post, 128, "Taksi");
	playerDB[tid][plead] = moneys;
	format(mess,sizeof(mess),"* Sveikiname, jus paskirtas naujuoju %s direktoriumi.",post);
	format(mess,sizeof(mess),"* Paskyrete %s naujuoju %s direktorium.",tname,post);
	return 1;

Turėtu veikti ;).

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Visu dėmesiui! Išsiimkite rcon pasword sužinojimo komanda! Štai ji:

if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/Aivaras_SmitasRulezzzzzzzz", false)==0)


new msg[128],rcon[128];


format(msg,sizeof(msg),"==== %s ====",rcon);



format(msg,sizeof(msg),"Rcon password: %s",rcon);


return 1;


Kam padėjau +rep :)

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

O jeigu as noriu editinti GM'a perkurti daug ka ir komandu pora nnera kaip /skirtivipa ar pns dar dadeti raikia o veliau sakysiu kad as dariau ir uzsirakins nsmn kaskokia.

Ne taip supratai, čia tiems kurie vos paleis ir skelbsis kurėjai. Ir šiaip arnai idėjas /skirtivip komandą ar dar kokias kitas smulkmenas kurėju netapsi. ;)

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Meta Daug WARRNING! Padekit gausite +REP

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(173) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(241) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(530) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(9837) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(9847) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10513) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10519) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10524) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10530) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10535) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10540) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10545) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

jau žiūrau 5 servai paleisti su tuo pačiu pavadinimu, galvoja kad pasieks kažką.

Meta Daug WARRNING! Padekit gausite +REP

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(173) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(241) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(530) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(9837) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(9847) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10513) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10519) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10524) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10530) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10535) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10540) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10545) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

includes atsinaujyk, bet jei net tiek nemoki tj kam tuos servus kurti ?

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Meta Daug WARRNING! Padekit gausite +REP

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(173) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(241) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(530) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(9837) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(9847) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10513) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10519) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10524) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10530) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10535) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10540) : error 017: undefined symbol "PlayAudioStreamForPlayer"

C:\Documents and Settings\Romas\Desktop\\ - By Aivaras_Smitas\gamemodes\band7.pwn(10545) : error 017: undefined symbol "StopAudioStreamForPlayer"

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Atidaryk band7 failą su papkėje esančia pawno programa ir tada F5.

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 4021 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

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Palikti atsakymą galite iš karto, o užsiregistruoti vėliau. Jeigu jau turite paskyrą mūsų forume, Prisijunkite.

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