Peršokti į turinį

Turiu problema, su samp serverių, dėl Unknown.

Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 1479 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

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Sveiki. Turiu problema su Unknown, jungiantis į serverį per Hosta. Gm padarytas pagal viska kaip reikia, tačiau, jungiantis į serverį, meta Unknown. Net ir paleidžiant samp, šalia serverio nerašo gamemodu, iškart Unknown. Atrodo bandžiau viską daryti, bet vistiek tas pats suds gaunasi. Na esmė, niekas nepadeda. Gal yra žinančių ir galinčių padėti sutvarkyti viską?   Mačiau tema tokia pačia, bet nelabai ką ir radau joje, nes viskas padaryta. Bet problema išlieka ta pati.  Gal net ir žmogus atsirastų, kuris galėtų ar bent turėtų galimybę pats pabandyti įkelti į Hosta  ir pažiūrėti ar viskas veikia??  Dėkui iš anksto. Svarbiausia sužinoti, kur yra problema, kad galima būtų iš to pasimokyti ateityje. 

Redaguota , nario Horisas
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Jūsų serveris yra įjungtas, bet gamemode nėra užkrautas.
Atsitiko pirmą kartą - žiūrėti pamoką
Gamemode yra su MySQL žiūrėti jeigu gamemode su MySQL
Jeigu pamoka nepadeda:
Patikrinkite serverio nustatymus - ar visi nurodyti pluginai yra su .so ?
Patikrinkite FTP (per filezilla) - ar visi nurodyti pluginai yra įkelti į /plugins aplanką ?
Gamemode su MySQL - patikrinkite duomenų bazės nustatymus per PAWN, perkompiliuokite gamemode, pabandykite įdėti kitą
Jeigu vistiek nepasileidžia, sukurkite temą PAWN forume
Papildoma informacija SA-MP D.U.K skiltyje.



Sita nesamone meta ir ka daryti keiciau tuos dll i so ir nepadeda

Mazu galetai pajungti duociau hosto log gal tau iseitu sutvarkyti?

Va logas.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[17:40:15] password = ""  (string)
[17:40:15] lagcompmode = 1  (int)
[17:40:15] sleep = 5  (int)
[17:40:15] Server Plugins
[17:40:15] --------------
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:
[17:40:15]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[17:40:15]   Loaded.
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.9 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:40:15]   Loaded.
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:
[17:40:15]   Failed (plugins/ symbol __cxa_pure_virtual, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file with link time reference)
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:

[17:40:15]  ===============================

[17:40:15]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[17:40:15]    (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[17:40:15]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[17:40:15]  ===============================

[17:40:15]   Loaded.
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:
[17:40:15]   Failed (plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
[17:40:15]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[17:40:15] Filterscripts
[17:40:15] ---------------
[17:40:15]   Loading filterscript 'funfair.amx'...
[17:40:15] --------------------------
[17:40:15] --- Los Santos Funfair ---
[17:40:15] --- ADRI1 FilterScript ---
[17:40:15] --- FilterScriptLoaded ---
[17:40:15] --------------------------
[17:40:15]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[17:40:15] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:40:15] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:40:15] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:40:15] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:40:15] Script[gamemodes/GRPLT2.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:40:15] Number of vehicle models: 0
[17:41:06] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[17:41:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[17:41:07] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:07] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:07] [join] Paulius_Bruzas has joined the server (0:
[17:41:07] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:07] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:09] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:09] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:09] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:09] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:09] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:13] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:13] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:13] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:13] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:13] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:13] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:21] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:21] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:21] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:21] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:21] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:21] [part] Paulius_Bruzas has left the server (0:1)
[19:43:10] --- Server Shutting Down.
[19:43:10] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:43:10] [debug]  mysql_connect
[19:43:10] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[19:43:10] [debug]  WP_Hash
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_data
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[19:43:10] [debug]  mysql_escape_string

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.9 by Incognito unloaded ***


[19:43:10]  ===============================

[19:43:10]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[19:43:10]  ===============================

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

prieš 1 valandą, Horisas parašė:

Jūsų serveris yra įjungtas, bet gamemode nėra užkrautas.
Atsitiko pirmą kartą - žiūrėti pamoką
Gamemode yra su MySQL žiūrėti jeigu gamemode su MySQL
Jeigu pamoka nepadeda:
Patikrinkite serverio nustatymus - ar visi nurodyti pluginai yra su .so ?
Patikrinkite FTP (per filezilla) - ar visi nurodyti pluginai yra įkelti į /plugins aplanką ?
Gamemode su MySQL - patikrinkite duomenų bazės nustatymus per PAWN, perkompiliuokite gamemode, pabandykite įdėti kitą
Jeigu vistiek nepasileidžia, sukurkite temą PAWN forume
Papildoma informacija SA-MP D.U.K skiltyje.



Sita nesamone meta ir ka daryti keiciau tuos dll i so ir nepadeda

Mazu galetai pajungti duociau hosto log gal tau iseitu sutvarkyti?

Va logas.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[17:40:15] password = ""  (string)
[17:40:15] lagcompmode = 1  (int)
[17:40:15] sleep = 5  (int)
[17:40:15] Server Plugins
[17:40:15] --------------
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:
[17:40:15]   CrashDetect v4.15.1 is OK.
[17:40:15]   Loaded.
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.9 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:40:15]   Loaded.
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:
[17:40:15]   Failed (plugins/ symbol __cxa_pure_virtual, version libmysqlclient_16 not defined in file with link time reference)
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:

[17:40:15]  ===============================

[17:40:15]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[17:40:15]    (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[17:40:15]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[17:40:15]  ===============================

[17:40:15]   Loaded.
[17:40:15]  Loading plugin:
[17:40:15]   Failed (plugins/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64)
[17:40:15]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[17:40:15] Filterscripts
[17:40:15] ---------------
[17:40:15]   Loading filterscript 'funfair.amx'...
[17:40:15] --------------------------
[17:40:15] --- Los Santos Funfair ---
[17:40:15] --- ADRI1 FilterScript ---
[17:40:15] --- FilterScriptLoaded ---
[17:40:15] --------------------------
[17:40:15]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[17:40:15] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:40:15] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:40:15] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:40:15] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:40:15] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:40:15] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:40:15] Script[gamemodes/GRPLT2.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:40:15] Number of vehicle models: 0
[17:41:06] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[17:41:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[17:41:07] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:07] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:07] [join] Paulius_Bruzas has joined the server (0:
[17:41:07] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:07] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:07] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:07] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:09] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:09] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:09] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:09] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:09] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:09] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:13] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:13] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:13] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:13] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:13] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:13] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:13] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:13] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:21] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[17:41:21] [debug]  mysql_connect
[17:41:21] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[17:41:21] [debug]  WP_Hash
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_data
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[17:41:21] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[17:41:21] [debug]  mysql_escape_string
[17:41:21] [part] Paulius_Bruzas has left the server (0:1)
[19:43:10] --- Server Shutting Down.
[19:43:10] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:43:10] [debug]  mysql_connect
[19:43:10] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[19:43:10] [debug]  WP_Hash
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_data
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_row_int
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_get_row_float
[19:43:10] [debug]  cache_insert_id
[19:43:10] [debug]  mysql_escape_string

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.9 by Incognito unloaded ***


[19:43:10]  ===============================

[19:43:10]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[19:43:10]  ===============================

Neužkrauna plugino 

Pamegink šitą plugin - 

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 1479 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

Prisijungti prie diskusijos

Palikti atsakymą galite iš karto, o užsiregistruoti vėliau. Jeigu jau turite paskyrą mūsų forume, Prisijunkite.

Atsakyti šioje temoje...

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  Galimi tik 75 veidukai.

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