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I would like to offer decorative fish shelters for aquariums.The products I am selling are handmade ceramic caves made out of clay without glaze so it doesn't change water structure and is fish friendly.My corder-ware caves has holes for fish to dive into the cave at one side and dive out at the other side.Depending on the cave size there is different number of holes (but always more than two).Also empty space inside the cave allows fish to dive easily through it or hide inside,these caves are streamlined so fish are safe from harming themselves and also sleek cave form gives natural look to aquarium.Nearly all fish enjoys having hidding place so I am making these shelters in different sizes and shapes for different type of fish.These aquarium decorations are very functional and absolutely ecologic.It can be overgrown by moss and fern.If you have special request I can fill it with pleasure!


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Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 4016 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

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