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GTA SA:MP map object editor.


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Streamed view, which loads and displays the map objects and water mostly properly just like the game does. 

here is how you navigate thru the scene: 

W,A,S,D work like in first-person shooters for moving forward / reverse and strafing 
holding down left shift will allow you to use the mouse to look around the scene 
holding down left ctrl will make movement slower and more precise. 

Left clicking the objects selects them, double clicking a object shows some advanced object info, left click also retrieves the world coordinates at the spot where you clicked and displays them in status bar's bottom-right corner, you can right click and copy the coords there (for placing spawn cars, points, etc..). 

The views tab allows you to tweak how the editor displays the scene and allows you to save current camera view to bookmarks, to load a existing view just double-click it. 

Objects tab has a favorites-like functionality for "object prefabs (this stands for prefabricated objects)" where you can add useful objects that you found Objects tab has a favorites-like functionality for "object prefabs (this stands for prefabricated objects)" where you can add useful objects that you found in the game, just select a object, click add and then OK to add it to the list. 

Adding a object to the world is simple, first select the object you want to add in prefabs tab, then right click in the game world where you want it, right click and click "insert selected prefab" 

Deleting objects is easy, just right click a object and click delete on the popup menu. 

Editing object information is very easy, just select a object and use the object editor in objects tab. 

Geriau butu paciam meginti ir daryti.

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