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dar pazesni srifta pasiimk !

Taigi labas vakaras susiduriau su tokia beda. As serveryje esu idejes vip menu kad kiekviena raunda parodytu pasirinkima mk+deagle ak + deagle. Ir kai pakeičiam mapa i tarkim _deagle5 ta paslauga meta kiekviena raunda kaip panaikinti butent nuo to mapo vipmenu ????

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Second is "sniper_active 1" well if u will do it 0 all people will can buy awp.
#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <cstrike>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <fun>
#define PLUGIN "VIP Plugin"
#define VERSION "5.5.0"
#define AUTHOR "Unkolix"
#define MAXPLAYERS 32 + 1
#define g_Buffer 1536
#define find_ent_by_class(%1,%2) engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString, %1, "classname", %2)
static const COLOR[] = "^x04" //green
const m_flFlashedUntil = 514;
const m_flFlashedAt = 515;
const m_flFlashHoldTime = 516;
const m_flFlashDuration = 517;
const m_iFlashAlpha = 518;
const m_flFlashDuration = 517;
new gMenuUsed[33];
new money_per_damage, money_kill_bonus, money_headshot_bonus;
new health_add, health_hs_add, health_max;
new nKiller, nKiller_hp, nHp_add, nHp_max;
new g_sniper_active, g_menu_active, g_map_active, g_awp_active, awp_active, g_buyzone_active, buyzone_active;
new g_menu_uses, g_awp_ct, g_awp_tr, g_menu_round, g_awp_menu_round, g_sniper_pickup;
new map_active, CT, TR, menu_round, awp_menu_round, menu_uses;
new CurrentRound;
new bool:g_bHasBombSite;
new bool:g_freezetime;
new bool:bAwpMap = false;
new bool:g_bCurrentMapIsInList = false;
new bool:g_bCurrentAWPMapIsInList = false;
new bool:g_bRoundEnd;
new iTCount, iCTCount;
new g_type, g_enabled, g_recieved, bool:g_showrecieved, g_hudmsg1, g_hudmsg2;
new g_models_enabled, models_enabled;
new const VIP_CT[] = "vip_ct";
new const VIP_CT_MODEL[] = "models/player/vip_ct/vip_ct.mdl";
new const VIP_TR[] = "vip_tr";
new const VIP_TR_MODEL[] = "models/player/vip_tr/vip_tr.mdl";
new player_model[33][32], bool:g_model[33], bool:UserInBuyZone[33];
new g_color_msg, color_msg, g_menu_number_color, menu_number_color;
new g_vips_list, vips_list, menu;
new const vipmenu[][] =
//Commands to call VIP menu
"say /vipmenu", "say vipmenu", "say_team /vipmenu", "say_team vipmenu", "say vmenu", "say_team vmenu"
new const VIPweapons[][] =
//Weapons which normal players can't pick up.
"awp", "sg550", "g3sg1"
new const wantvip[][] =
//Commands which call wantvip.txt motd window
"say /wantvip", "say wantvip", "say_team /wantvip", "say_team wantvip",
"say /noriuvip", "say noriuvip", "say_team /noriuvip", "say_team noriuvip",
"say /chciecvip", "say chciecvip", "say_team /chciecvip", "say_team chciecvip",
"say /willenvip", "say willenvip", "say_team /willenvip", "say_team willenvip",
"say /vouloirvip", "say vouloirvip", "say_team /vouloirvip", "say_team vouloirvip"
new const vipguns[][] =
//Guns that are only for VIP (controlled via CVAR)
"weapon_awp", "weaopn_g3sg1", "weapon_sg550"
public plugin_init()
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)

register_logevent("LogEvent_RoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End");
register_logevent("LogEvent_RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start" );
register_logevent("LogEvent_GameCommencing", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Game_Commencing");
register_event("DeathMsg", "hook_death", "a", "1>0");
register_event("HLTV", "event_new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0");
register_event("Damage", "on_damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0");
register_event("StatusIcon", "Event_StatusIcon_Show_buyzone", "be", "1=1", "2=buyzone");
register_event("StatusIcon", "StatusIcon_buyzone_OFF", "be", "1=0", "2=buyzone");

RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "weaponbox", "fw_TouchWeapon");
RegisterHam(Ham_Touch, "armoury_entity", "fw_TouchWeapon");
RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwHamPlayerSpawnPost", 1);

register_forward(FM_SetClientKeyValue, "fw_SetClientKeyValue");
register_forward(FM_ClientUserInfoChanged, "fw_ClientUserInfoChanged");

for(new i = 0; i < sizeof wantvip; i++)
register_clcmd(wantvip[i], "ShowMotd") //Checks const wantvip, that is above plugin_init
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof vipmenu; i++)
register_clcmd(vipmenu[i], "cmdvipmenu") //Checks const vipmenu, that is above plugin_init
for(new i = 0; i < sizeof VIPweapons; i++)
register_clcmd(VIPweapons[i], "HandleCmd") //Checks const VIPweapons, that is above plugin_init

register_clcmd("say /vips","print_adminlist") //If someone says /vips it starts the function print_adminlist

register_cvar("vip_contactinfo", "contact info here", FCVAR_SERVER)
register_cvar("vip_price", "your price here", FCVAR_SERVER)

money_per_damage  = register_cvar("vip_money_per_damage","3") //How many $ VIP will get per 1 damage
money_kill_bonus  = register_cvar("vip_money_kill_bonus","200") //How many $ VIP will get per kill
money_headshot_bonus  = register_cvar("vip_money_hs_bonus","500") //How many $ VIP will get per head shot kill
health_add   = register_cvar("vip_hp", "15") //How many hp VIP will get per kill
health_hs_add   = register_cvar("vip_hp_hs", "30") //How many hp VIP will get per head shot kill
health_max   = register_cvar("vip_max_hp", "100") //How many hp VIP can have in total
g_sniper_active  = register_cvar("vip_sniper_active", "1") //Who can buy SNIPERS? 0 - everyone, 1 - only VIP
g_menu_active   = register_cvar("vip_menu_active", "1") //Will VIP get VIP menu? 0 - won't get the menu, 1 - will get the menu.
g_map_active   = register_cvar("vip_map_active", "1") //VIP menu works on the maps in mapnames.ini? 0 - Yes (VIP will get VIP menu), 1 - No
g_awp_active   = register_cvar("vip_awp_active", "1") // 1 - VIP can get AWP choice; 0 - cann't
g_menu_uses   = register_cvar("vip_menu_uses", "1") // How many times VIP can use VIP menu per round?
g_awp_ct   = register_cvar("vip_awp_ct", "5") //How many counter terrorist must be in a team to AWP choice show up
g_awp_tr   = register_cvar("vip_awp_tr", "5") //How many terrorist must be in a team to AWP choice show up
g_menu_round   = register_cvar("vip_menu_round", "2") //Round from which VIP will get VIP menu
g_awp_menu_round  = register_cvar("vip_awp_menu_round", "3") //Round from which VIP will get AWP choice
g_sniper_pickup  = register_cvar("vip_sniper_pickup", "1") //0 - everyone can pickup snipers, 1 - only VIP
g_recieved   = register_cvar("vip_bulletdamage_recieved","1") //0 - bullet damage disabled, 1 - show damage done, 2 - show damage done, but not via wall
g_type    = register_cvar("vip_bulletdamage","1") // Enable or disable showing recieved damage
g_models_enabled  = register_cvar("vip_models", "1") //0 - VIP models disabled, 1 - enabled.
g_color_msg   = register_cvar("vip_colored_text_message", "1")// Print /vips and info about vip text. 1 - colored, 0 - normal
g_menu_number_color  = register_cvar("vip_menu_number_color", "0") //0 - red, 1 - yellow, 2 - white, 3 - grey.
g_vips_list   = register_cvar("vip_show_list", "3") // /vips show. 0 - off, 1 - chat message, 2 - motd window.
g_buyzone_active = register_cvar("vip_menu_buyzone", "1") // Close menu if player leaves buyzone? 1 - close, 2 - leaves it.
g_hudmsg1   = CreateHudSyncObj()
g_hudmsg2   = CreateHudSyncObj()

if( find_ent_by_class(-1, "func_bomb_target") || find_ent_by_class(-1, "info_bomb_target") ) //Checks if the map has bombsite
 g_bHasBombSite = true; //If the map has bombsite it is set to true


register_dictionary( "vip.txt" );
public plugin_cfg()
map_active   = get_pcvar_num(g_map_active); //Gets the value of g_map_active
awp_active   = get_pcvar_num(g_awp_active); //Gets the value of g_awp_active
CT    = get_pcvar_num(g_awp_ct); //Gets the value of g_awp_ct
TR    = get_pcvar_num(g_awp_tr); //Gets the value of g_awp_tr
menu_round   = get_pcvar_num(g_menu_round); //Gets the value of g_menu_round
awp_menu_round   = get_pcvar_num(g_awp_menu_round); //Gets the value of g_awp_menu_round
menu_uses   = get_pcvar_num(g_menu_uses); //Gets the value of g_menu_uses
models_enabled   = get_pcvar_num(g_models_enabled); //Gets the value of g_models_enabled
color_msg   = get_pcvar_num(g_color_msg); //Gets the value of g_color_msg
menu_number_color  = get_pcvar_num(g_menu_number_color); //Gets the value of g_menu_number_color
vips_list   = get_pcvar_num(g_vips_list) //Gets the value of g_vips_list
g_enabled   = get_pcvar_num(g_type) //Gets the value of g_type
buyzone_active  = get_pcvar_num(g_buyzone_active) //Gets the value of buyzone_active

if(get_pcvar_num(g_recieved)) g_showrecieved = true; //Checks of g_received is 1 and if so, sets g_showrecieved to true

new szmapnames[128], szData[32], szCurrentMap[32], szawpmapnames[128];
format( szmapnames, 128, "addons/amxmodx/configs/mapnames.ini" ) //Sets the path of mapnames.ini and saves it to szmapnames
if(!file_exists(szmapnames)) //Checks if szmapnames file doesn't exist
 server_print("[VIP] File %s is missing!", szmapnames); //Prints a missing message
 server_print("[VIP] File %s is created!", szmapnames); //Prints a create message
 write_file(szmapnames, "awp_") //Writes awp_ to szmapnames file
 write_file(szmapnames, "cs_deagle") //Writes cs_deagle to szmapnames file
 write_file(szmapnames, "knf_") //Writes knf_ to szmapnames file
 write_file(szmapnames, "1hp_") //Writes 1hp_ to szmapnames file
 write_file(szmapnames, "aim") //Writes aim to szmapnames file
if(file_exists(szmapnames)) //Checks if szmapnames file does exist
 get_configsdir(szmapnames, charsmax(szmapnames)); // Get the AMX Mod X configs directory (folder).
 add(szmapnames, charsmax(szmapnames), "/mapnames.ini"); // Add your filename to the filepath.
 get_mapname(szCurrentMap, charsmax(szCurrentMap)); // Get the current map.

 new f = fopen(szmapnames, "rt"); // Open the file.
 while( !feof(f) ) // Loop until it finds the End Of the File (aka EOF).
  fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData)); // Get all text from current line.
  trim(szData); // Trim off the new line and carriage return characters.
  if( containi(szCurrentMap, szData) != -1 )   // Check if the current map is equal to the map listed on this line.
   g_bCurrentMapIsInList = true; // Set boolean to true so that you know if the map was in the file.
   break; // Stop looping (reading the file) because you found what you came for.
 fclose(f); // Close the file.

format( szawpmapnames, 128, "addons/amxmodx/configs/awpmapnames.ini" ) //Sets the path of awpmapnames.ini and saves it to szawpmapnames
if(!file_exists(szawpmapnames)) //Checks if szawpmapnames file doesn't exist
 server_print("[VIP] File %s is missing!", szawpmapnames); //Prints a missing message
 server_print("[VIP] File %s is created!", szawpmapnames); //Prints a create message
 write_file(szawpmapnames, "2x2") //Writes 2x2 to szmapnames file
 write_file(szawpmapnames, "3x3") //Writes 3x3 to szmapnames file
 write_file(szawpmapnames, "4x4") //Writes 4x4 to szmapnames file
 write_file(szawpmapnames, "cs_max") //Writes cs_max to szmapnames file
 write_file(szawpmapnames, "aim") //Writes aim to szmapnames file
if(file_exists(szawpmapnames)) //Checks if szawpmapnames file does exist
 //Now lets check if current map is in awpmapnames.ini
 get_configsdir(szawpmapnames, charsmax(szawpmapnames)); // Get the AMX Mod X configs directory (folder).
 add(szawpmapnames, charsmax(szawpmapnames), "awpmapnames.ini"); // Add your filename to the filepath.
 get_mapname(szCurrentMap, charsmax(szCurrentMap)); // Get the current map.

 new f = fopen(szawpmapnames, "rt"); // Open the file.
 while( !feof(f) ) // Loop until it finds the End Of the File (aka EOF).
  fgets(f, szData, charsmax(szData)); // Get all text from current line.
  trim(szData); // Trim off the new line and carriage return characters.
  if( containi(szCurrentMap, szData) != -1 )   // Check if the current map is equal to the map listed on this line.
   g_bCurrentAWPMapIsInList = true; // Set boolean to true so that you know if the map was in the file.
   break; // Stop looping (reading the file) because you found what you came for.
 fclose(f); // Close the file.

new CfgDir[32], CfgFile[192];

get_configsdir(CfgDir, charsmax( CfgDir ) );
formatex(CfgFile, charsmax( CfgFile ), "%s/VIPCVARs.cfg", CfgDir);

if( !file_exists(CfgFile ) )
 server_print("[VIP] File %s is missing!", CfgDir) //Prints a missing message
 server_print("[VIP] CVAR's are loaded from the plugin!", CfgDir) //Prints a load message
 server_print("[VIP] CVAR's are loaded from %s!", CfgDir); //Prints a load message
 server_cmd("exec %s", CfgFile); //Loads CVARs from VIPCVARs.cfg
public plugin_precache()
if(models_enabled == 1)
 precache_model(VIP_TR_MODEL) //Precashes Terroris model
 precache_model(VIP_CT_MODEL) //Precashes Counter-Terroris model
public event_new_round(id)
g_freezetime = false; // Freeze time has ended, so lets set it to false
public LogEvent_RoundStart(id)
g_freezetime = true; //Sets g_freezetime to true
g_bRoundEnd = false; //Sets g_bRoundEnd to false
gMenuUsed[id] = 0; //Makes sure that noone had yet chosen from menu
iTCount = 0; //Makes iTCount to 0
iCTCount = 0; //Makes iCTCount to 0
CurrentRound++; //Adds 1 to CurrentRound
new players[32], player, pnum;
get_players(players, pnum, "a");
for ( new i; i < pnum; i++ )
 switch( cs_get_user_team( players[i] ) )
  case CS_TEAM_T: iTCount++;
  case CS_TEAM_CT: iCTCount++;
for(new i = 0; i < pnum; i++)
 player = players[i];
 if (!get_pcvar_num(g_menu_active))

 if(CurrentRound >= menu_round && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG) //Checks if current round is more or equal to menu_round and checks if player is VIP
  Showrod(player); //Shows vip menu
public LogEvent_RoundEnd()
g_bRoundEnd = true; //Sets g_bRoundEnd to true
public Event_RoundRestart(id)
CurrentRound = 0; //Makes CurrentRound to 0
public LogEvent_GameCommencing(id)
CurrentRound = 0; //Makes CurrentRound to 0
public hook_death()
new hp_added[64];
// Killer id
nKiller = read_data(1)
if(is_user_alive(nKiller) && get_user_flags(nKiller) & VIP_FLAG)
 if ( (read_data(3) == 1) && (read_data(5) == 0) )
  nHp_add = get_pcvar_num(health_hs_add)
 nHp_add = get_pcvar_num(health_add)
 nHp_max = get_pcvar_num(health_max)
 // Updating Killer HP
 if(!(get_user_flags(nKiller) & VIP_FLAG))

 nKiller_hp = get_user_health(nKiller)
 nKiller_hp += nHp_add
 // Maximum HP check
 if (nKiller_hp > nHp_max) nKiller_hp = nHp_max
 set_user_health(nKiller, nKiller_hp)
 // Hud message "Healed +15/+30 hp"
 if(nKiller_hp < nHp_max)
  format(hp_added, sizeof(hp_added), "%L", nKiller, "HP_ADDED", nHp_add)
  set_hudmessage(0, 255, 0, -1.0, 0.15, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1)
  show_hudmessage(nKiller, hp_added)
 // Screen fading
 if(!get_user_flashed(nKiller)) //Checks if user is not flashed
  message_begin(MSG_ONE, get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), {0,0,0}, nKiller)
public death_msg()
if(read_data(1)<=MAXPLAYERS && read_data(1) && read_data(1)!=read_data(2)) cs_set_user_money(read_data(1),cs_get_user_money(read_data(1)) + get_pcvar_num(money_kill_bonus) - 300)
public on_damage(id)
if(g_enabled && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG)
 static attacker; attacker = get_user_attacker(id)
 static damage; damage = read_data(2) 
  set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.45, 0.50, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.1, 0.1, -1) //Sets the hudmessage
  ShowSyncHudMsg(id, g_hudmsg2, "%i^n", damage) //Shows damage taken
 if(is_user_connected(attacker)) //Checks if attacker is online
   case 1: {
 set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1) //Sets the hudmessage
 ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg1, "%i^n", damage) //Shows damage made  
   case 2: {
  set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1) //Sets the hudmessage
  ShowSyncHudMsg(attacker, g_hudmsg1, "%i^n", damage) //Shows damage made 
public Damage(id)
new weapon, hitpoint, attacker = get_user_attacker(id,weapon,hitpoint)
if(attacker<=MAXPLAYERS && is_user_alive(attacker) && attacker!=id)
if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG) //Checks if player is VIP
 new money = read_data(2) * get_pcvar_num(money_per_damage)
 if(hitpoint==1) money += get_pcvar_num(money_headshot_bonus) //Checks if player damages enemy by head shot
 cs_set_user_money(attacker,cs_get_user_money(attacker) + money) //Gives money for damaging enemys
public fwHamPlayerSpawnPost(id)
gMenuUsed[id] = 0; //Make sure that VIP didn't use VIP menu on his spawn
UserInBuyZone[id] = true;
 if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG)
  if(!g_bCurrentMapIsInList) //Checks if map is not the one written in mapnames.ini, if user is alive and if e has flag H
   give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade"); //Gives HE grenade
   give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang"); //Gives FB grenade
   give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang"); //Gives BF grenade
   give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade"); //Gives SG grenade
   give_item(id, "item_assaultsuit"); //Gives armor
   if(g_bHasBombSite && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT) //Checks if current map has bombsite
 give_item(id, "item_thighpack"); //Gives defuse kit

  if(models_enabled == 1) //Checks of models are enabled (set to 1)
   new currentmodel[32];
   fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, sizeof currentmodel - 1); //Gets current player omdel

   if(cs_get_user_team(id) & CS_TEAM_T) //Checks if player is in Terrorist team
 copy(player_model[id], sizeof(player_model), VIP_TR)

 if(!equal(currentmodel, player_model[id])) //Checks if players model is not changed to VIP model
  fm_set_user_model(id, player_model[id]) //Sets players model
   else if(cs_get_user_team(id) & CS_TEAM_CT) //Checks if player is in Counter-Terrorist team
 copy(player_model[id], sizeof(player_model), VIP_CT)	

 if(!equal(currentmodel, player_model[id])) //Checks if players model is not changed to VIP model
  fm_set_user_model(id, player_model[id]) //Sets players model
public fw_TouchWeapon(weapon, id)
if (!get_pcvar_num(g_sniper_pickup)) //Checks if g_sniper_pickup is disactivated (set to 0)
 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE //If it is, let players pick up snipers

if (!is_user_alive(id) || get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG) //Checks if player is alive and if he is VIP
 return HAM_IGNORED; //Ignores the blocked weapon pickup/buy

static classname[32]
pev(weapon, pev_classname, classname, charsmax(classname))

for(new i = 0; i < sizeof vipguns; i++)
if (g_bCurrentMapIsInList && equal(classname, vipguns[i])) //Checks if current map is in list and if the weapon is one that is blocked
 client_print(id, print_center, "%L", id, "SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP") //Sends a message that snipers are only for VIP
return HAM_IGNORED; //Ignores the blocked weapon pickup/buy
public fw_SetClientKeyValue(id, infobuffer, key[], value[])
if (g_model[id] && equal(key, "model"))

public fw_ClientUserInfoChanged(id, infobuffer)
if (!g_model[id])

new currentmodel[32];
fm_get_user_model(id, currentmodel, sizeof currentmodel - 1);

if(!equal(currentmodel, player_model[id]))
 fm_set_user_model(id, player_model[id])

public cmdvipmenu(id)
if ( is_user_alive(id) ) //Checks if player is alive
 if( get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG ) //Checks if player is VIP
  if ( CurrentRound < menu_round ) //Cheks if current round is lower than menu_round
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_ROUND", menu_round ); //Sends a message that VIP can use VIP menu only from specific round
  if ( map_active == 1 ) //Checks if map_active is 1
   if( g_bCurrentMapIsInList ) //Checks if current map is in mapnames list
 client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP" ); //Sends a message that VIP can't use VIP menu on that map
  if ( gMenuUsed[id] >= menu_uses ) //Checks if palyer has already sued menu more than menu_uses
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_PER_ROUND", menu_uses ); //Message that VIP can only take VIP menu few time that is set as VIPUsed
  if ( !g_freezetime ) //Checks if freezetime is not over yet and if user is alive and he has flag H
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START" ); //Message that's set in vipplugin.txt as VIP_MENU_ONLY_FROM_ROUND_START
  if(g_freezetime) //Checks if freezetime is over
   if ( gMenuUsed[id] < menu_uses ) //Checks if VIP has already used VIP menu before, the amount of times we set as VIPUsed
 if( CurrentRound >= menu_round ) //Checks if current round is more or equal to the round that is set as VIPMenuRound
  if (!get_pcvar_num(g_menu_active)) //Checks if g_menu_active is disactivated (set to 0)
   return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; //If so, VIP won't get VIP menu

  Showrod(id) //Shows VIP menu
  if(map_active) //Checks if map_active is 1
   if( g_bCurrentMapIsInList ) //Checks if current map is in mapnames.ini, if so print the message and cancels the menu showup
 client_print(id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_WRONG_MAP"); //Sends a message that VIP can't use VIP menu on that map
 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; //Stop VIP from getting the VIP menu
  if(buyzone_active != 1)
   client_print(id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_NOT_BUYZONE");
 else // If user doesn't have VIP_FLAG
  PrintText(id) //Sets a task in 0.1 seconds and starts PrintTect
else if( get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG ) //Checks if user is death and he have VIP_FLAG
 client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "VIP_MENU_MUST_BE_ALIVE" ); //Sends a message that VIP must be alive to use VIP menu
else //If user is death and doesn't have VIP_FLAG
 PrintText(id) //Prints PrintText
public Showrod(id)
if (get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG) //Checks if player has flag H
 if( g_bCurrentAWPMapIsInList ) //Checks if map is in awpmapnames.ini
  bAwpMap = true //If so sets bAwpMap to true, so AWP choice would work in maps that are in awpmapnames.ini
 new newmenu[64], choice_1[64], choice_2[64], choice_3[64]
 format(newmenu, sizeof(newmenu), "%L", id, "NEW_MENU"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as NEW_MENU_PRIMARY
 menu = menu_create(newmenu, "Pressedrod"); //Creates menu that's in Pressedrod

 format(choice_1, sizeof(choice_1), "%L", id, "MENU_CHOICE_1"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as MENU_CHOICE_PRIMARY_1
 menu_additem(menu, choice_1, "1", 0); //Menu choice/case 1
 format(choice_2, sizeof(choice_2), "%L", id, "MENU_CHOICE_2"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as MENU_CHOICE_PRIMARY_2
 menu_additem(menu, choice_2, "2", 0); //Menu choice/case 2
 if ( iTCount >= TR && iCTCount >= CT ) //Checks that each team has 5 or more people to AWP choice appear in the menu
  if (awp_active == 1) //Checks if vips can get awp choice, 0 - no; 1 - yes
   if ( CurrentRound >= awp_menu_round ) //Checks if current round is more or equal to 3, so AWP choice would come out
 if( !bAwpMap ) //Checks if map is not one in awpmapnames.xfg, if so shows the fifth menu item
  format(choice_3, sizeof(choice_3), "%L", id, "MENU_CHOICE_3"); //Shows a menu message that's set in vipplugin.txt as MENU_CHOICE_PRIMARY_5
  menu_additem(menu, choice_3, "3", 0); //Menu choice/case 5
 new menu_exit_name[64];
 format(menu_exit_name, sizeof(menu_exit_name), "%L", id, "MENU_EXIT_NAME") //Formats menu_exit_name form vip.txt file
 menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, menu_exit_name) //Sets menu exit name
 menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL); //Makes the exit button to close the menu
 if(menu_number_color == 1) //Checks if menu_number_color is set to 3
  menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\y"); // ets the number color to yello
 else if(menu_number_color == 2) //Checks if menu_number_color is set to 3
  menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\w"); //Sets the number color to white
 else if(menu_number_color == 3) //Checks if menu_number_color is set to 3
  menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\d"); //Sets the number color to grey
 else //In any other case the menu_number_color is set to
  menu_setprop(menu,MPROP_NUMBER_COLOR,"\r"); //Sets the number color to red
 menu_display(id, menu, 0)
public Pressedrod(id, menu, item)
if( item == MENU_EXIT ) //Checks if player clicks menu exit (0)
 menu_destroy(menu); //If so the menu will be destroyed
new iFlashes = cs_get_user_bpammo( id, CSW_FLASHBANG ); //Makes iFlashes to check is player has flashbangs
new HasC4[33], HasHE[33], HasSG[33];
new weapons = pev(id, pev_weapons)
HasC4[id] = ( weapons & 1<<CSW_C4 ) //Makes HasC4 to check if player has C4
HasHE[id] = ( weapons & 1<<CSW_HEGRENADE ) && cs_get_user_bpammo(id, CSW_HEGRENADE) //Makes HasHE to check if player has HE
HasSG[id] = ( weapons & 1<<CSW_SMOKEGRENADE ) && cs_get_user_bpammo(id, CSW_SMOKEGRENADE) //Makes HasSG to check if player has SG
new data[6], szName[64];
new access, callback;
menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,charsmax(data), szName,charsmax(szName), callback);
new key = str_to_num(data);
if(is_user_alive(id) && !g_bRoundEnd) //Checks if player is alive and it's not round end
 strip_user_weapons( id ); //Deletes players all weapons
 case 1: {		 
   give_item(id,"weapon_m4a1") //Gives M4A1
   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90); //Sets M4A1 back pack ammo to 90
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "CHOSE_M4A1" ); //Shows a message that's set in vipplugin.txt as CHOSE_M4A1
 case 2: { 
   give_item(id,"weapon_ak47") //Gives AK47
   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90); //Sets AK47 back pack ammo to 90
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "CHOSE_AK47" ); //Shows a message that's set in vipplugin.txt as CHOSE_AK47
 case 3: {
   give_item(id,"weapon_awp") //Gives AWP
   cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AWP, 30); //Sets AWP back pack ammo to 30
   client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "CHOSE_AWP" ); //Shows a message that's set in vipplugin.txt as CHOSE_AWP
 if (HasC4[id]) //Checks if player had C4
  give_item(id, "weapon_c4"); //Gives C4
  cs_set_user_plant( id ); //Allows player to plant the bomb
  set_pev(id, pev_body, 1); //Puts C4 model on it's back
 if (HasHE[id]) //Checks if player has HE
  give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade") //Gives HE
 if (HasSG[id]) //Checks if player has SG
  give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade"); //Gives SG
 if( iFlashes > 0 ) //Checks if player has FB
  give_item( id, "weapon_flashbang" ); //Gives first FB
  cs_set_user_bpammo( id, CSW_FLASHBANG, iFlashes ); //Gives second FB
 give_item(id,"weapon_knife") //Gives knife
 give_item(id,"weapon_deagle") //Gives deagle
 cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35); //Sets deagle back pack ammo to 35
 if(g_bHasBombSite && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT) //Checks if current map has bombsite
  give_item(id, "item_thighpack"); //Gives defuse kit
 gMenuUsed[id]++ //Makes sure that VIP really made a choice
menu_destroy(menu); //Destroys menu
public HandleCmd(id)
if (!get_pcvar_num(g_sniper_active)) //Checks if g_awp_active is disactivated (set to 0)
 return PLUGIN_CONTINUE //If it is, let players buy snipers

if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG)  //Checks if player has flag H

client_print( id, print_center, "%L", id, "SNIPER_ONLY_FOR_VIP" ); //Sends a message that snipers are only for VIP

public ShowMotd(id)
new contact[112];
get_cvar_string("vip_contactinfo", contact, 63) //Gets the vip_contactinfo
new price[112];
get_cvar_string("vip_price", price, 63) //Gets the vip_price
static MOTD[1501];
new len = formatex(MOTD, 1500,"<style type=text/css>body{background-color: #000000;font-family:Verdana,Tahoma;}</style>");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<font size=2 color=#e0a518><b><center>%L</center></b></font><br /><font size=1 color=#c0c0ff><UL>", id, "MOTD_LINE_01");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_02");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_03");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_04");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_05");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_06");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_07");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_08");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI>", id, "MOTD_LINE_09");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"%L", id, "MOTD_LINE_10");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L", id, "MOTD_LINE_11");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L", id, "MOTD_LINE_12");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<LI>%L</LI><br>", id, "MOTD_LINE_13");
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<font size=1 color=#00c000><strong>%L</strong></font>", id, "MOTD_LINE_14")
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L %s", id, "MOTD_LINE_15", price)
len += formatex(MOTD[len],1500-len,"<br>%L <font color=#FF6600>%s</font>", id, "MOTD_LINE_16", contact);
new motd_name[64];
format(motd_name, 64, "%L", id, "WANTVIP_MOTD_NAME"); //Formats the MOTD name from VIP.txt file
show_motd(id,MOTD, motd_name); //Shows the MOTD to player

public client_putinserver(id)
if (!task_exists(id + 1000)) set_task(30.0, "PrintText", id + 1000) //Checks if task already exist, if not print text set in public PrintText
public PrintText(id)
if(color_msg == 1) //Checks if color_msg is 1
 client_print_color( id, "%L", id, "PRINT_TEXT_COLORED" ); //Message which is sent
 client_print_color( id, "%L", id, "PRINT_TEXT" ); //Message which is sent
public StatusIcon_buyzone_OFF( id )
UserInBuyZone[id] = false;

public Event_StatusIcon_Show_buyzone(id)
if(get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG && buyzone_active == 1)
 UserInBuyZone[id] = true;
new oldMenuId, newMenuId;
player_menu_info(id, oldMenuId, newMenuId)
if(newMenuId > -1 && newMenuId == menu && buyzone_active == 1)
public print_adminlist(user)
new id, count, x, len, adminnames[33][32];
for(id = 1 ; id <= MAXPLAYERS ; id++)
 if(is_user_connected(id) && get_user_flags(id) & VIP_FLAG) //Checks if player is connected and if player is VIP
  get_user_name(id, adminnames[count++], 31) //Gets players name and adds to adminnames

if(vips_list == 2 || vips_list == 3) //Checks if vips_list is 2 or 3
 new contact[112];
 get_cvar_string("vip_contactinfo", contact, 63) //Gets the vip_contactinfo
 new price[112];
 get_cvar_string("vip_price", price, 63) //Gets the vip_price
 new Data[g_Buffer];

 len = formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<html><center><font color=yellow>%L <font color=green>%s.<font color=yellow> %L <font color=green>%s</font><body bgcolor=Black>", user, "CONTACT", contact, user, "MOTD_LINE_15", price);
 len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<br><table border=1 width=300 cellspacing=0 bordercolor=#4A4344 style=color:#56A5EC;text-align:center;>");
 len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<tr><td><b>#</b></td><td><b>%L</b></td></tr>", user, "VIPS_ONLINE");

 if(count > 0)
  for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++)
   len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<tr><td><font color=Red>%d</font></td>", x + 1);
   len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<td>%s</td></tr>", adminnames[x]);
  len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<tr><td><font color=Red>-</font></td>");
  len += formatex(Data[len], g_Buffer - len, "<td>%L</td></tr>", user, "NO_VIPS_ONLINE");
 len += formatex(Data[len],g_Buffer - len,"</center></body></html>");
 new motd_name[64];
 format(motd_name, 64, "%L", user, "WANTVIP_MOTD_NAME"); //Formats the MOTD name from VIP.txt file
 show_motd(user, Data, motd_name); //Shows MOTD to player

if(vips_list == 1 || vips_list == 3) //Checks if vips_list is 1 or 3
 new message[256], contact[112]

 if(color_msg == 1)
  len = format(message, 255, "%L", user, "VIPS_ONLINE_COLORED", COLOR)
  len = format(message, 255, "%L", user, "VIPS_ONLINE")
 if(count > 0)
  for(x = 0 ; x < count ; x++)
   len += format(message[len], 255-len, " %s%s ", adminnames[x], x < (count-1) ? ", ":"")
   if(len > 96 )
 client_print_color(user, message)
 if(color_msg == 1)
  len = format(message, 255, "%s",COLOR)
  len = format(message, 255, "")
  client_print_color(user, message)
  len += format(message[len], 255-len, " %L", id, "NO_VIPS_ONLINE")
  client_print_color(user, message)

 get_cvar_string("vip_contactinfo", contact, charsmax(contact))
  if(color_msg == 1)
   client_print_color(user, "%L %s", user, "CONTACT_COLORED", contact)
   client_print_color(user, "%L %s", user, "CONTACT", contact)
stock fm_set_user_model(player, modelname[])
engfunc(EngFunc_SetClientKeyValue, player, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player), "model", modelname)

g_model[player] = true
stock fm_get_user_model(player, model[], len)
engfunc(EngFunc_InfoKeyValue, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player), "model", model, len)
stock fm_reset_user_model(player)
g_model[player] = false

dllfunc(DLLFunc_ClientUserInfoChanged, player, engfunc(EngFunc_GetInfoKeyBuffer, player))
get_user_flashed(id, &iPercent=0) //Checks if user is flashed
new Float:flFlashedAt = get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashedAt)
if( !flFlashedAt )
 return 0

new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime()
new Float:flTimeLeft = flGameTime - flFlashedAt
new Float:flFlashDuration = get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashDuration)
new Float:flFlashHoldTime = get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashHoldTime)
new Float:flTotalTime = flFlashHoldTime + flFlashDuration

if( flTimeLeft > flTotalTime )
 return 0

new iFlashAlpha = get_pdata_int(id, m_iFlashAlpha)
if( iFlashAlpha == ALPHA_FULLBLINDED )
 if( get_pdata_float(id, m_flFlashedUntil) - flGameTime > 0.0 )
  iPercent = 100
  iPercent = 100-floatround(((flGameTime - (flFlashedAt + flFlashHoldTime))*100.0)/flFlashDuration)
 iPercent = 100-floatround(((flGameTime - flFlashedAt)*100.0)/flTotalTime)
return iFlashAlpha
stock client_print_color(const id, const input[], any:...)
new count = 1, players[32];
static msg[191];
vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);
replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^x04"); // Green Color
replace_all(msg, 190, "!n", "^x01"); // Default Color
replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^x03"); // Team Color
if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch");
 for (new i = 0; i < count; i++)
  if (is_user_connected(players[i]))
   message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]);

KODAS . Ir taigi kame bėda. padariau kad mape nerodytu vip menu . Ta ir daro parasius /vipmenu raso kad siame zemelapi negalima. Bet pas mane yra ivesta kad automatiskai nuo antro raundo vip gauna vip menu. O jeigu as tai isjungsiu tada visuose zemelapiuose neatsiras vipmenu savaime. Man reikia kad butent tuose mapuose kurios pasirenku nerodytu visiskai vipmenu .Gal kas galite istaisyti sita beda ir nurodyti ta eilute kur sutvarkyti

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