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[PAGALBOS] Dėl serverio paleidimo

Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 3786 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

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Taigi senesnė tema jau prirašyta, pagalbos ten neįmanoma sulaukt.

Tai dabar dedu į naują. Man meta [DEBUG] eilutes serverlog faile, kai bandau jungti serverį.

Serveris ant hosto, su mysql, pluginai pakeisti, dabar meta neaiškią klaidą:

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x-R2, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team
[18:17:24] Server Plugins
[18:17:24] --------------
[18:17:24]  Loading plugin:
 > MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded.
[18:17:24]   Loaded.
[18:17:24]  Loading plugin:
*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***
[18:17:24]   Loaded.
[18:17:24]  Loading plugin:
[18:17:24]  ===============================
[18:17:24]		 sscanf plugin loaded.	   
[18:17:24]	  (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[18:17:24]	  0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[18:17:24]  ===============================
[18:17:24]   Loaded.
[18:17:24]  Loading plugin:
[18:17:24]   CrashDetect v4.12 is OK.
[18:17:24]   Loaded.
[18:17:24]  Loaded 4 plugins.
[18:17:24] Ban list
[18:17:24] --------
[18:17:24]  Loaded: samp.ban
[18:17:24] Filterscripts
[18:17:24] ---------------
[18:17:24]   Loading filterscript 'Count.amx'...
[18:17:24]  V-Race Countdown loaded...
[18:17:24] --------------------------------------
[18:17:24]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.
[18:17:24] [GM System]: Paleidžiama modifikacija..
[18:17:24] [GM System]: Pagrindinės serverio funkcijos kraunasi...
[MySQL System]: Connecting to databaste: gmas ..
[18:17:24] [MySQL System]: Connection sucesfull to databaste: [gmas] in 3ms
[18:17:24] [MINI-GAMES System]: MINI-GAMES system is now loading..
[18:17:24] [MINI-GAMES System]: MINI-GAMES system loaded in 0ms
[18:17:24] [GM System]: Main fucntions loaded..
[18:17:24] [GM System]: Server now loading less important functions..
[18:17:25] Incoming connection:
[18:17:25] Incoming connection:
[18:17:25] [Gangs System]: Gangs system is now loading..
[18:17:25] [Gangs System]: Gangs system loaded in 1ms (0 gangs)
[18:17:25] [OwnGarages System]: OwnGarages system is now loading..
[18:17:25] [OwnGarages System]: OwnGarages system loaded in 0ms (0 garages)
[18:17:25] [GangZones System]: GangZones system is now loading..
[18:17:25] [GangZones System]: GangZonesSystem system loaded in 0ms (0 gang zones)
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Now server is starting timers..
[18:17:25] [Objects Streamer]: Objects streamer is now loading objects..
[18:17:25] [Objects Streamer]: Objects streamer loaded objects in 10ms (8762 objects)
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Server is now loading entrances system..
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Entrances system loaded in 1ms (29 entrances)
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Server now loading pickups system..
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Pickups system loaded in 0ms
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Server loading textdraw's, 3D texts..
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Textdraw's, 3D texts loaded in 1ms
[18:17:25] [GM System]: Server is now loading vehicles..
[18:17:25] [GM System]: All vehicles loaded in 14ms (320 vehicles)
[18:17:25] [OwnVehicles System]: OwnVehicles system is now loading vehicles..
[18:17:25] Incoming connection:
[18:17:25] [debug] Server crashed while executing [LT]GMAS.amx
[18:17:25] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[18:17:25] [debug] #0 native mysql_fetch_field_row () [b74e07a0] from
[18:17:25] [debug] #1 00318fd0 in ?? () from [LT]GMAS.amx
[18:17:25] [debug] #2 0019d130 in public Streamer_OnGameModeInit () from [LT]GMAS.amx
[18:17:25] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () [080d2960] from samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #4 0000bb98 in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () from [LT]GMAS.amx
[18:17:25] [debug] #5 00005b08 in public Itter_OnGameModeInit () from [LT]GMAS.amx
[18:17:25] [debug] #6 native CallLocalFunction () [080d2960] from samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #7 0000538c in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () from [LT]GMAS.amx
[18:17:25] [debug] #8 native CallLocalFunction () [080d2960] from samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #9 00004af0 in public OnGameModeInit () from [LT]GMAS.amx
[18:17:25] [debug] Native backtrace:
[18:17:25] [debug] #0 b69baa5b in _ZN10StackTraceC1EPv () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #1 b69b3852 in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoPv () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #2 b69b435c in _ZN11CrashDetect20PrintNativeBacktraceEPv () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #3 b69b486e in _ZN11CrashDetect11OnExceptionEPv () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #4 b69ba76d in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #5 b778d600 in ?? ()
[18:17:25] [debug] #6 b755e313 in strlen () from /lib/
[18:17:25] [debug] #7 b770b7f0 in _ZNKSs7compareEPKc () from /usr/lib/
[18:17:25] [debug] #8 b74db973 in _ZN13CMySQLHandler10FetchFieldESs () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #9 b74e0820 in _ZN7Natives23n_mysql_fetch_field_rowEP6tagAMXPi () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #10 08093d14 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #11 b69b110c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #12 b69b6348 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #13 b69bcdb5 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #14 b69b36ab in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #15 b69b6149 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #16 080d2c02 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #17 08093d14 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #18 b69b110c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #19 b69b6348 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #20 b69bcdb5 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #21 b69b36ab in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #22 b69b6149 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #23 080d2c02 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #24 08093d14 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #25 b69b110c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #26 b69b6348 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #27 b69bcdb5 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #28 b69b36ab in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #29 b69b6149 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #30 080d2c02 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #31 08093d14 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #32 b69b110c in _ZN11CrashDetect13DoAmxCallbackEiPiS0_ () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #33 b69b6348 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #34 b69bcdb5 in amx_Exec () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #35 b69b36ab in _ZN11CrashDetect9DoAmxExecEPii () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #36 b69b6149 in ?? () from plugins/
[18:17:25] [debug] #37 080acccb in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #38 080b2bbd in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #39 080b1487 in ?? () from ./samp03svr
[18:17:25] [debug] #40 b7501c76 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/
[18:17:25] [debug] #41 0804b521 in ?? () from ./samp03svr

Prašau dar kartą jūsų pagalbos :)

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

[18:17:25] [debug] #0 native mysql_fetch_field_row () [b74e07a0] from

Visa problema čia. Kiek žinau tai yra MySQL plugino problema, ne tavo kodo.

Tai kažkaip ir supratau, kad gali būti dėl pluginų, tačiau taip buvo, kad dieną dar veikė, db jau ne...

Tai sakai, kad reikia pakeist pluginą? Bet kažin į kokią versiją 8|

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

[18:17:25] [debug] #0 native mysql_fetch_field_row () [b74e07a0] from

Visa problema čia. Kiek žinau tai yra MySQL plugino problema, ne tavo kodo.

Bebrai, gal gali atsiųst link'ą "gero" mysql plugino? Nes R5 yra pagal mane mažai, bet kuriuos siunčiuosi vistiek rodo debugus:
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x-R2, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team
[23:03:43] Server Plugins
[23:03:43] --------------
[23:03:43]  Loading plugin:
[23:03:43]   Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[23:03:43]  Loading plugin:
*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***
[23:03:43]   Loaded.
[23:03:43]  Loading plugin:
[23:03:43]  ===============================
[23:03:43]	   sscanf plugin loaded.	
[23:03:43]    (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[23:03:43]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[23:03:43]  ===============================
[23:03:43]   Loaded.
[23:03:43]  Loading plugin:
[23:03:43]   CrashDetect v4.12 is OK.
[23:03:43]   Loaded.
[23:03:43]  Loaded 3 plugins.
[23:03:43] Ban list
[23:03:43] --------
[23:03:43]  Loaded: samp.ban
[23:03:43] Filterscripts
[23:03:43] ---------------
[23:03:43]   Loading filterscript 'Count.amx'...
[23:03:43]  V-Race Countdown loaded...
[23:03:43] --------------------------------------
[23:03:43]   Loaded 1 filterscripts.
[23:03:44] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_query
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_store_result
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_fetch_row_format
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_free_result
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_num_rows
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_debug
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_connect
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_ping
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_affected_rows
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_fetch_int
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_real_escape_string
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_fetch_field_row
[23:03:44] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_query
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_store_result
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_fetch_row_format
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_free_result
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_num_rows
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_debug
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_connect
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_ping
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_affected_rows
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_fetch_int
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_real_escape_string
[23:03:44] [debug]  mysql_fetch_field_row
[23:03:44] Script[gamemodes/[LT]GMAS.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:03:44] Number of vehicle models: 0

Padėk :(

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį


To kodo kurį vykdant gauni klaidą.

Putty programoje rašau ./samp03svr & . Nesakyk, kad nesuchmodinęs, nes chmodinau, ir kai keičiau pluginą mysql, dieną paveikė, tik perkroviau, atnaujinimus sudėjau ir neveikia db.......... Redaguota , nario Erass_Alcaline
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Šiaip man errorų compiliuojant nekyla, tačiau parodysiu kodą.

Užkrovimas mysql:

#include <a_mysql>

Čia duom. bazės jungimasis:

stock CheckMySQLConnection()
   if(mysql_ping() == -1)
    mysql_connect(MySQL_HOST, MySQL_USER, MySQL_DB, MySQL_PASS); // Jungiames prie mysql duomenų bazės.

    if(mysql_ping() == -1)
	    mysql_connect(MySQL_HOST, MySQL_USER, MySQL_DB, MySQL_PASS); // Jungiames prie mysql duomenų bazės.
	    if(mysql_ping() == -1)
	  mysql_connect(MySQL_HOST, MySQL_USER, MySQL_DB, MySQL_PASS); // Jungiames prie mysql duomenų bazės.
return 1;

Vat manau reiktų išjungt DEBUGA:

mysql_debug  (true); // - Įjungiam MySQL debug'ą, kad matytume visas MySQL užklausas, rezultatus.
   mysql_connect(MySQL_HOST, MySQL_USER, MySQL_DB, MySQL_PASS); // Jungiames prie mysql duomenų bazės.
   if(mysql_ping() == 1)
    printf("[MySQL System]: Connection sucesfull to databaste: [%s] in %dms\n", MySQL_DB, GetTickCount() - TickCount);
    printf("[MySQL System]: Connection failed to databaste: [%s]\n", MySQL_DB);
    printf("[MySQL System]: Server can't load, shutting down..", MySQL_DB);

    ServerStatus = 0; //- Nustatom kintamajį, kad serverio statusas blogas.

   if(ServerStatus == 0) return SendRconCommand("exit");

Tikiuosi tą parodžiau? :DD

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį


Tu matai tam kode tą funkciją?

Paskutinis bandymas. Susirandi kuri kodo vieta CRASHINA pluginą ir parodai tą kodą.

Supranti, pas mane bugovas serveris yra, viskas sumaišyta, tai ir tvarkau makalynę, bent jau bandau. Tai bent jei galėtum pabandyt paspėliot - PARAŠYT kokia funkcija gali bugintis, nes pavyzdžiui nerašo niekur kur kokia funkcija buginasi, tiesiog MYSQL plugino neužkrovė ir vsio, rašo, kad blogas ar kas jam yra Redaguota , nario Erass_Alcaline
Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Bebrai, gal gali atsiųst link'ą "gero" mysql plugino? Nes R5 yra pagal mane mažai, bet kuriuos siunčiuosi vistiek rodo debugus:

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x-R2, (C)2005-2013 SA-MP Team
[23:03:43] Server Plugins
[23:03:43] --------------
[23:03:43] Loading plugin:
[23:03:43] Failed ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[23:03:43] Loading plugin:
*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***
[23:03:43] Loaded.
[23:03:43] Loading plugin:
[23:03:43] ===============================
[23:03:43]	 sscanf plugin loaded.	
[23:03:43] (c) 2009 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[23:03:43] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"
[23:03:43] ===============================
[23:03:43] Loaded.
[23:03:43] Loading plugin:
[23:03:43] CrashDetect v4.12 is OK.
[23:03:43] Loaded.
[23:03:43] Loaded 3 plugins.
[23:03:43] Ban list
[23:03:43] --------
[23:03:43] Loaded: samp.ban
[23:03:43] Filterscripts
[23:03:43] ---------------
[23:03:43] Loading filterscript 'Count.amx'...
[23:03:43] V-Race Countdown loaded...
[23:03:43] --------------------------------------
[23:03:43] Loaded 1 filterscripts.
[23:03:44] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_query
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_store_result
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_fetch_row_format
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_free_result
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_num_rows
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_debug
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_connect
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_ping
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_affected_rows
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_fetch_int
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_fetch_field_row
[23:03:44] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_query
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_store_result
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_fetch_row_format
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_free_result
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_num_rows
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_debug
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_connect
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_ping
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_affected_rows
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_fetch_int
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_real_escape_string
[23:03:44] [debug] mysql_fetch_field_row
[23:03:44] Script[gamemodes/[LT]GMAS.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[23:03:44] Number of vehicle models: 0

Čia nematau tos eilutės, galbūt išnyko, nes aš dar bandžiau keist myql pluginą, tačiau vat vistiek nieko geroo

Nuoroda į komentarą
Dalintis per kitą puslapį

Ši tema yra neaktyvi. Paskutinis pranešimas šioje temoje buvo prieš 3786 dienas (-ų). Patariame sukurti naują temą, o ne rašyti naują pranešimą.

Už neaktyvių temų prikėlimą galite sulaukti įspėjimo ir pranešimo pašalinimo!

Prisijungti prie diskusijos

Palikti atsakymą galite iš karto, o užsiregistruoti vėliau. Jeigu jau turite paskyrą mūsų forume, Prisijunkite.

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