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Apie Ekoo_Din

Paskutiniai lankytojai

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  1. Sveiki! Ar galit sulietuvinti, kas sulietuvins gaus +rep dėkui [en] JB_OPENCELLS = %c%s%c has opened the%c cells%c at%c %d%c:%c%s%d JB_SHOP_CELLKEY1 = You have open your cell now run!!! JB_FREEZETAG_M1 = Alive:%c %d%c Frozen:%c %d JB_VOTEDAY_M1 = Voting for fun day will start in 5 seconds. JB_DAY_M1 = Only guards can start a special day. JB_DAY_M2 = Only Admins can start a special day. JB_DAY_M3 = There is already a day chosen. JB_DAY_M4 = Sorry! You cannot start another day. JB_DAY_M5 = Sorry! Theres a voting day in progress. JB_DAY_M6 = Sorry! You have to wait %d day%s before you can pick a admin day. JB_DAY_M7 = Sorry! You cannot start a day until there are 2 prisons alive. JB_DAY_M8 = Only Guards can end a special day. JB_DAY_M9 = The day has already ended. JB_DAY_M10 = %c%s%c has ended the day. JB_DAY_M11 = There is already a vote going. JB_DAY_M12 = Choose your Fun day! JB_DAY_M13 = %c%s%c has chosen %L %c[%c+2%c Votes] JB_DAY_M14 = %c%s%c has chosen %L %c[%c+1%c Votes] JB_DAY_M15 = Due to no one voting the day will be randomly seleted. JB_DAY_M16 = Free for all has ended due to a fun day! JB_DAY_M17 = Sorry! You cannot be simon durring an admin day. JB_DAY_M18 = Your nade pack has been removed, and your points have been refunded. JB_DAY_M19 = You may not have speed during a Freezetag day! JB_DAY_M20 = Your speed has been removed and your points have been refunded. JB_DAY_M21 = The cell doors are open! Due to a day starting. JB_DAY_M22 = All the doors are open! Due to a day starting. JB_DAY_M23 = %c%s%c has started a%c %L. JB_DAY_M24 = Today is a%c %L. JB_DAY_M25 = Guards have %i seconds to open the cells to Start a HideNseek day! JB_DAY_M26 = Prisonors have %i seconds to hide! JB_DAY_M27 = Go go go! JB_DAY_M28 = The guards have spotted you! JB_DAY_M29 = Find somewhere safe to change back! JB_DAY_M30 = OMG!%c %s%c sucks! He just lost the%c %L JB_DAY_M31 = You will respawn in %d seconds. Try not to die this time... JB_DAY_M32 = %c- Freeze Tag -%c %s %chas been tagged by%c %s %c, and is now frozen! JB_DAY_M33 = %c- Freeze Tag -%c %s %chas been untagged by%c %s %c, and is now unfrozen! JB_DAY_M34 = %c- Freeze Tag -%c Sorry! You been frozen 2 times JB_DAY_M35 = The shop is currently disabled. JB_DAY_M36 = Only prisoners can use the shop! JB_DAY_M37 = You can not use the shop after the cells have been opened! JB_DAY_M38 = You do not have enough Points to buy that item! JB_DAY_M39 = You already own this item! JB_DAY_M40 = Too many crowbars have been bought! JB_DAY_M41 = You can not buy invisibility when you have a freeday! JB_DAY_M42 = Too many prisoners own invisibility! JB_DAY_M43 = You can not buy speed when the day is FreezeTag! JB_DAY_M44 = Too many prisoners own speed! JB_DAY_M45 = Too many prisoners do not have footsteps! JB_DAY_M46 = Too many prisoners have a disguise! JB_DAY_M47 = Too many prisoners have a cell keys! JB_DAY_M48 = You bought a crowbar. JB_DAY_M49 = You bought armour. JB_DAY_M50 = You bought a nade pack. JB_DAY_M51 = You bought invisiblity. JB_DAY_M52 = You bought speed. JB_DAY_M53 = You bought no footsteps. JB_DAY_M54 = You bought a disguise. JB_DAY_M55 = Bind a key to wear_disguise to use it. JB_DAY_M56 = You bought a cell key. JB_DAY_M57 = Go up to the cell door and slash it. JB_DAY_M58 = ADMIN gave %i points to %s. JB_DAY_M59 = ADMIN %s gave %i points to %s. JB_DAY_M60 = You received %i points.(Total: %i) JB_DAY_M61 = You are attempting to take away too many points! JB_DAY_M62 = ADMIN took %i points from %s. JB_DAY_M63 = ADMIN %s took %i points from %s. JB_DAY_M64 = You lost %i points. (Total: %i) JB_DAY_M65 = ADMIN has reset %s's points. JB_DAY_M66 = ADMIN %s has reset %s's points. JB_DAY_M67 = Your points have been reset. JB_DAY_M68 = The Ent with model #: ^"%s^",and Class name: ^"%s^" was set as the button for %s. JB_DAY_M69 = You can not set that entity as the cell button. JB_DAY_M70 = You are not aiming at an entity. JB_DAY_M71 = The Guard's have failed to open the cells by%c %d%c:%c%s%d%c, it is now a freeday. JB_DAY_M72 = The Ent with model #:%s,and Class name:%s was set as the button JB_DAY_M73 = You are not an officer, you can not use this command. JB_DAY_M74 = Sorry! No simon during a last request! JB_DAY_M75 = Sorry! There has to be at less 2 prisoners alive. JB_DAY_M76 = Sorry! No simon during admin day. JB_DAY_M77 = Sorry! There's to many simons. JB_DAY_M78 = You are not simon anymore! JB_DAY_M79 = %c%s%c is now simon.%c Listen%c to his%c/%cher%c commands%c! JB_DAY_M80 = %c[simon]%c %s%c has open the cells. JB_DAY_M81 = Cannot Divide%c the Team%c due to odd number of%c Prisoners JB_DAY_M82 = If the Teams are even someone might have a freeday to make it uneven. JB_DAY_M83 = The Teams have been unglowed! JB_DAY_M84 = %c[simon]%c %s%c has Divided%c Prisoners%c into two Teams JB_DAY_M85 = %c[simon]%c %s%c has started a Math Problems wait for simon to respond. JB_DAY_M86 = %c[simon]%c %s%c has randomly slayed%c %s. JB_DAY_M87 = Your problem has ended due to simon dieing. JB_DAY_M88 = You have revieced a new math problem JB_DAY_M89 = Problem: %s = %f JB_DAY_M90 = Correct Answer!!! JB_DAY_M91 = %s solved his equation! JB_DAY_M92 = WRONG!!!!! Your faith belongs to simon!! hahahahaa!! JB_DAY_M93 = %c%s%c has failed the math problems, And is now%c glowing%c yellow. JB_DAY_M94 = Simon, Choose his destiny! JB_DAY_M95 = WRONG!!!!! You lose %d health! JB_DAY_M96 = Sorry! You are not simon. JB_DAY_M97 = Sorry! No simon during a last request! JB_DAY_M98 = You can reviece a new math problem by typing next. JB_DAY_M99 = %c[simon]%c %s%c has giving a math problem to%c all Prisoners%c. JB_DAY_M100 = %c[simon]%c %s%c has giving a math problem to%c %s%c. JB_DAY_M101 = You can reviece a new math problem by typing 1337. JB_DAY_M102 = You currently have%c %i%c points. JB_DAY_M103 = Sorry! You cannot use this command while a fun day! JB_DAY_M104 = Sorry! You cannot use this command while last request is going on! JB_DAY_M105 = You are an prisoner, you cannot use this command. JB_DAY_M106 = %c%s%c has%c disable%c Free for all! JB_DAY_M107 = %c%s%c has%c enable%c Free for all! JB_DAY_M108 = Sorry! You have to wait to use this command again! JB_DAY_M109 = %c%s%c has%c closed%c all the doors. JB_DAY_M110 = %c%s%c has randomly switch%c %s%c to a%c guard%c. JB_DAY_M111 = %c%s%c has%c open%c all the doors. JB_DAY_M112 = Your Channel%c %s JB_DAY_M113 = %c%s%c has changed your channel to%c %s%c. JB_DAY_M114 = You are an officer, you can not use this command. JB_DAY_M115 = Sorry! You are not the last terrorist. JB_DAY_M116 = Sorry! There is no officer to challenge. JB_DAY_M117 = A battle is in progress! JB_DAY_M118 = Round End. You can not use this command now. JB_DAY_M119 = %s has chosen to play%c %L%c battle against%c %s JB_DAY_M120 = Choose a place to fight...or JB_DAY_M121 = Fight right now! JB_DAY_M122 = Choose a place to race! JB_DAY_M123 = Choose a wall and choose your rules. JB_DAY_M124 = Blow up your opponent! JB_DAY_M125 = The last terrorist is now RAMBO, kill him on sight! JB_DAY_M126 = The last terrorist is now DEAGLE DUDE, kill him on sight! JB_DAY_M127 = The last terrorist is now CRAZY GUY, kill him on sight! JB_DAY_M128 = The last terrorist is now UBER GLOCKER, kill him on sight! JB_DAY_M129 = Prisoner's cannot use the glow command! JB_DAY_M130 = %s gave a freeday to %s. JB_DAY_M131 = You may not have a freeday and invisiblity at the same time! JB_DAY_M132 = %s(%s) gave a freeday to %s(%s)^n. JB_DAY_M133 = Your invisiblity has been removed and your points have been refunded. JB_DAY_M134 = Prisoner's cannot use the unglow command! JB_DAY_M135 = %s removed glow from %s. JB_DAY_M136 = %s(%s) removed glow from %s(%s)^n. JB_DAY_M137 = You can not glow a Guard! JB_DAY_M138 = You can not glow someone with a freeday! JB_DAY_M139 = You are glowing red. JB_DAY_M140 = You are not aiming at a player. JB_DAY_M141 = You are glowing blue. JB_DAY_M142 = Prisoners cannot use the unglow command! JB_DAY_M143 = %s removed glow from %s. JB_DAY_M144 = %s removed your glow. JB_DAY_M145 = That player is not glowing! JB_DAY_M146 = Prisoner's can not use the Class command! JB_DAY_M147 = You can not choose a class after the cells have been opened! JB_DAY_M148 = You chose the Special Ops class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M149 = You chose the Spetsnaz class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M150 = You chose the SAS class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M151 = You chose the GSG 9 class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M152 = You chose the SWAT class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M153 = You chose the Israel Police class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M154 = You chose the Kommando class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M155 = You chose the Reinforcements class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M156 = You chose the Heavy Duty class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M157 = You chose the Defender class. Type /class to reopen the menu. JB_DAY_M158 = The day has ended due to 1 Prisoner remaining. JB_DAY_M159 = The day has ended due to No Guards remaining. JB_DAY_M160 = Guard's can not use the Disguise command! JB_DAY_M161 = You do not own a disguise! JB_DAY_M162 = You can not change back while your being watched! JB_DAY_M163 = You have successfully changed back! JB_DAY_M164 = You can not change to your disguise while your being watched! JB_DAY_M165 = You have successfully changed into your disguise! JB_DAY_M166 = Could not find a free spot to move you to. JB_DAY_M167 = You cannot free yourself as dead player JB_DAY_M168 = Sorry! You have to be a gruad to enable this. JB_DAY_M169 = You have%c Enable%c spray messages for everyone to see. JB_DAY_M170 = You have%c Disable%c spray messages for everyone to see. JB_DAY_M171 = %s sprayed%c %.1f units%c above the%c ground. JB_DAY_M172 = You have sprayed%c %.1f units%c above the%c ground. JB_DAY_M173 = The race will begin in %i seconds JB_NOACCESS = Sorry! You do not have access to the command. JB_USER_DEAD = Sorry! You are dead you cannot use this command. JB_DAYNAME_GRAVITY = Gravity Day JB_DAYNAME_FREEDAY = Freeday JB_DAYNAME_ZOMBIE = Zombie Day JB_DAYNAME_LAVA = Lava Day JB_DAYNAME_SHARK = Shark Day JB_DAYNAME_CAGE = Cage Day JB_DAYNAME_DM = DeathMatch Day JB_DAYNAME_NC = Night Crawler Day JB_DAYNAME_SPARTAN = Spartan Day JB_DAYNAME_HIDENSEEK = HideNseek Day JB_DAYNAME_RZOMBIE = Reverse Zombie Day JB_DAYNAME_RSHARK = Reverse Shark Day JB_DAYNAME_RNC = Reverse Night Crawler Day JB_DAYNAME_FREEZETAG = Freeze Tag Day JB_DAYNAME_GANG = Gang Day JB_DAYNAME_GRENADE = Midnight Nade War JB_DAYNAME_USPNINJAS = Usp Ninja Day JB_CHANNEL_M1 = Normal Talk JB_CHANNEL_M2 = All Talk JB_CHANNEL_M3 = Cannot Talk JB_CHANNEL_M4 = Team Talk JB_VOTEMENU_TITLE = \r%s^n\yWhat day would you like it to be?^nMenu Timer: %i JB_VOTEMENU_SUB = %s%L\y Votes:\r %i JB_DAYMENU_TITLE = \ySpecial Days: JB_SHOP_TITLE = Jailbreak Shop^nYour Points: %i JB_SHOP_M1 = Crowbar: %i Points (%i/%i) JB_SHOP_M2 = Armor: %i Points JB_SHOP_M3 = Nade pack: %i Points JB_SHOP_M4 = Invisiblity: %i Points (%i/%i) JB_SHOP_M5 = Speed: %i Points (%i/%i) JB_SHOP_M6 = No footsteps: %i Points (%i/%i) JB_SHOP_M7 = Disguise: %i Points (%i/%i) JB_SHOP_M8 = Cell Keys: %i Points (%i/%i) JB_SIMON_TITLE = %s^n\ySimon Menu JB_SIMON_M1 = \rOpen Cells JB_SIMON_M2 = \yOpen\r All\d Doors JB_SIMON_M3 = \yClose\r All\d Doors JB_SIMON_M4 = Color Prisoners into 2 Teams JB_SIMON_M5 = \dBell JB_SIMON_M6 = Math Problems JB_SIMON_M7 = Random Prisoner Death JB_MATH_TITLE = \rSimon\y Menu^n\wMath Problem Generator: JB_MATH_M1 = All Prisoners JB_MIC_TITLE = \rTalk Channel Menu JB_MIC_M1 = %s\y Channel:\r %s JB_LASTREQUEST_TITLE = \rLast Request: JB_LASTREQUEST_M0 = No Game Yet JB_LASTREQUEST_M1 = 1 on 1 Knife JB_LASTREQUEST_M2 = Shot 4 Shot JB_LASTREQUEST_M3 = Race JB_LASTREQUEST_M4 = Gun Toss JB_LASTREQUEST_M5 = Spray Contest JB_LASTREQUEST_M6 = Grenade Duel JB_LASTREQUEST_M7 = Suicide Bomber JB_LASTREQUEST_M8 = Shotgun Duel JB_LASTREQUEST_M9 = Scout Duel JB_LASTREQUEST_M10 = Rebel Options JB_LASTREQUEST_SUB = \rCT's Menu \w[Game: \r%L\w] JB_LASTREQUEST_SUB_M1 = All JB_REBEL_TITLE = \yRebel Options: JB_REBEL_M1 = Rambo JB_REBEL_M2 = Deagle Dude JB_REBEL_M3 = Crazy guy JB_REBEL_M4 = Uber Glocker JB_S4S_TITLE = \yShot 4 Shot Choice JB_S4S_M1 = Random Weapon JB_S4S_M2 = USP JB_S4S_M3 = Deagle JB_S4S_M4 = Five Seven JB_S4S_M5 = M4A1 JB_S4S_M6 = TMP JB_S4S_M7 = Machine Gun JB_S4S_M8 = Awp JB_S4S_M9 = Scout JB_RACE_TITLE = \yRace Menu JB_RACE_M1 = Countdown from\r %d\y Seconds JB_WEAPONTOSS_TITLE = \yWeapon Toss Choice JB_WEAPONTOSS_M2 = Grenade JB_GLOW_TITLE = \rGlow Menu: JB_UNGLOW_TITLE = \rUnglow Menu: JB_CLASS_TITLE = \rClass Menu: JB_CLASS_M1 = Special Ops (m4a1, usp) JB_CLASS_M2 = Spetsnaz (ak, glock) JB_CLASS_M3 = SAS (awp, deagle) JB_CLASS_M4 = GSG 9 (ump, usp) JB_CLASS_M5 = SWAT Team (m3, p228) JB_CLASS_M6 = Israel Police (mac10, deagle) JB_CLASS_M7 = Kommando (bullpup, p228) JB_CLASS_M8 = Reinforcements (shield, usp) JB_CLASS_M9 = Heavy Duty (m249, elites) JB_CLASS_M10 = Defender (galil, deagle) JB_HUD_M1 = Prisoners: %i^nGuards: %i^nToday is a %L. JB_HUD_M2 = Prisoners: %i^nGuards: %i^n
  2. Sveiki, nupirkčiau modifikacija cs 1.6 jailbreak A.....................................................................................................A Turi būti dienos ir t.t, kad veiktų ir jailbreak geriau lietuviška dėl kainos susitarsim arba galėčiau į projekta prijimti skype:
  3. Sveiki visi, kūriu minecraft projektą daugelis jau žino, bet SPLAT dizainas netiko, tai reikia, kad pasiulytumet dizaina tinkanti minecraft forumui.
  4. Ekoo_Din

    Pasiūlykit android žaidimų

    Growtopia, FIFA 15 ultimate team.
  5. Ekoo_Din

    parduodu Parduodu už 1,45e

    Vardą į AŽ, lošiau irgi ten gal pažinosiu, beja sekmės.
  6. Ekoo_Din

    Kodėl aš negaliu dėti logo SPLAT nei ..

    Logo: #logo { float: left; } /* Text logo */ #logo a.textLogo{ color: #fff; height: 73px; line-height: 73px; text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.85) 0px 1px 4px; padding: 0 12px; font-weight: 300; font-size: 40px; font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; display: block; text-decoration: none; } Branding - #branding { height: 73px; }
  7. Ekoo_Din

    Kas gali nupiešti MC logo?

    Dėl eurų taip, pakvietimus dalina tik per šventes.
  8. Ekoo_Din

    Kas gali nupiešti MC logo?

    Ah, prie ko čia mano serveris ?
  9. Ekoo_Din

    Kas gali nupiešti MC logo?

    Ne ten pataikei.
  10. Ekoo_Din

    Kas gali nupiešti MC logo?

    Tu vpš patylėk.
  11. Ekoo_Din

    Kas gali nupiešti MC logo?

    Normalaus logo dydis
  12. Ekoo_Din

    Kas gali nupiešti MC logo?

    Sorry, bet per daug gražu. *Myliu* seni, aš prašiau logo.. :DD
  13. Ekoo_Din

    Kas gali nupiešti MC logo?

    Oi ne, man reikia normalaus...
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